Versions Compared


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Code Block
$ nosetests --with-marvin --marvin-config=/path/to/basic_zone.cfg --load /path/to/tests

If we

Attribute selection

The smoke tests and component tests contain attributes that can be used to filter the tests that you would like to run against your deployment. You would use nose attrib plugin for this. Following tags are available for filtering:


Code Block
$ nosetests --with-marvin --marvin-config=/path/to/config.cfg -w test_directory -a tags=advanced,tags=simulator # run tests tagged to run on an advanced zone with the simulator

#Use below options to run all test cases under smoke directory on advanced zone "and" are provisioning cases, i.e., require hardware to run them. See "hypervisor" option to specify against which hypervisor to run them against, provided your zone and cluster has multiple hosts of various hypervisors type.
$ nosetests-2.7 --with-marvin --marvin-config=/home/abc/softwares/cs_4_4_forward/setup/dev/advanced.cfg  -w /home/abc/softwares/cs_4_4_forward/test/integration/smoke/ --with-xunit --xunit-file=/tmp/bvt_provision_cases.xml --zone=abc_zone --hypervisor=<xenserver\kvm\vmware> -a tags=<advanced>,required_hardware=<true>

#Use below options to run all test cases under smoke directory on advanced zone "and" are selfservice test cases, i.e., "not" requiring hardware to run them, and can be run against simulator.
$ nosetests-2.7 --with-marvin --marvin-config=/home/abc/softwares/cs_4_4_forward/setup/dev/advanced.cfg  -w /home/abc/softwares/cs_4_4_forward/test/integration/smoke/ --with-xunit --xunit-file=/tmp/bvt_provision_cases.xml --zone=abc_zone --hypervisor=<simulator> -a tags=<advanced>,required_hardware=<false>
#Use below options to run all test cases under smoke directory on advanced zone "and" are selfservice test cases, i.e., "not" requiring hardware to run them, and can be run against simulator. As well, below "deploy" option takes care to deploy datacenter as well.
$ nosetests-2.7 --with-marvin --marvin-config=/home/abc/softwares/cs_4_4_forward/setup/dev/advanced.cfg  -w /home/abc/softwares/cs_4_4_forward/test/integration/smoke/ --with-xunit --xunit-file=/tmp/bvt_provision_cases.xml --zone=abc_zone --hypervisor=<simulator> -a tags=<advanced>,required_hardware=<false> --deploy

Guidelines to choose scenarios for integration
