Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


View NameThe name of the view. The view name identifies the view to Ambari.
View PackageThis is the JAR package that contains the view definition and all view resources (server-side classes, dependencies and client-side files). See View Package for more information on the contents and structure of the package.
View DefinitionThis defines the view name, version, resources and required/optional configuration parameters for a view. The view definition file is included in the view package. See View Definition for more information on the view definition file syntax and features.
View InstanceAn unique instance of a view, that is based on a view definition and specific version that is configured.
View API 

View Package


Code Block
|- view.xml
|- org.
| |
| |_ lib/*.jar
|- <server packages + classes>
|_ <ui assets>


Useful Resources

Get List of Views

  1. Gets the list of all available Views

    Code Block
    GET /api/v1/views
    200 - OK
  2. Once you have a list of views, you can drill-into a view and see the available versions.

    Code Block
    GET /api/v1/views/FILES
    200 - OK
  3. You can go a level deeper and see more information about that specific version for the view, such as the parameters and the archive name, and a list of all instances of the view.

    Code Block
    GET /api/v1/views/FILES/versions/0.1.0
    200 - OK

Creating a View Instance

The following example shows creating an instance of the FILES view, version 1.0.0 view called "MyFiles".


Create the view instance.

Code Block
POST /api/v1/views/FILES/versions/1.0.0/instances/MyFiles



Set view properties.

Code Block
PUT /api/v1/views/FILES/versions/1.0.0/instances/MyFiles

[ {
"ViewInstanceInfo" : {
    "properties" : {
      "dataworker.defaultFs" : "webhdfs://"
} ]

200 - OK


Restart Ambari Server to pick-up the view instance and UI resources.

Code Block
ambari-server restart


Confirm the newly created view instance is available.

Code Block
GET /api/v1/views/FILES/

  "href" : "",
  "ViewInfo" : {
    "archive" : "/var/lib/ambari-server/resources/views/files-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar",
    "label" : "Files",
    "parameters" : [
        "name" : "dataworker.defaultFs",
        "description" : "FileSystem URI",
        "required" : true
    "version" : "1.0.0",
    "view_name" : "FILES"
  "instances" : [
      "href" : "",
      "ViewInstanceInfo" : {
        "instance_name" : "MyFiles",
        "view_name" : "FILES"

Browse to the view instance.
