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Table of Contents

titleFormerly named OODT Easy Install


The effort was renamed to RADiX to help delineate it from the core distribution of OODT. RADiX will be both easy and awesome. By default it is already RAD.

ApacheCon NA 2011 Fast Feather Talk


NOTE: The "oodt start" command should return quite quickly. This is normal. If, however, the OpsUI link above is not functional on your system, one good place to start looking for probable cause is the "oodt.out" log file, which can be found (if you've been following the example above) in "oodt-deploy/logs/oodt.out"

Version Control

If you want to manage your OODT RADiX distribution with Subversion.


Code Block

Deployment Path Descriptions




This is the root of where the filemgr will store its archived products


This directory will be monitored by the crawler. Products to be ingested should be placed here


In a configuration that uses Lucene as a back end this directory holds the contents of that index




Any products that have failed ingestion will be placed here along with any metadata files.


Contains system System level scripts to start, stop, restart the OODT infrastructure.


The crawler Crawler deployment for your data management system (i.e. policy, scripts, and configuration). This component is responsible for monitoring the staging area


The filemgr Filemgr deployment for your data management system (i.e. policy, scripts, and configuration). This component catalogs and archives products into the archive area.


The workflow Workflow deployment for your data management system (i.e. policy, scripts, and configuration). This component orchestrates any processing that may need to be done on your products


This is a sandbox Sandbox area to test out metadata extractors, versioners, actions, etc. that you have developed to extend the functionality of the existing OODT framework.


System wide configuration


/bin Details

/$DEPLOYMENT_BASE_DIR/bin- This will contain scripts that will manipulate This directory contains scripts manipulate the underlying components. For example all 3 components can be started, stopped and restarted from this directory. At the same time you can also manipulate a single component at a time from this dir alsoYou can start, stop, and restart each individual component or all 3 at the same time.

Manipulate all components (DEFAULT BEHAVIOR):

Code Block
./oodt [start


 OR stop OR restart]

Manipulate a single component:

Code Block


./oodt [start


 OR stop OR restart] [crawler OR filemanager OR workflowmanager]


/conf Details

Parameters that can be managed within the conf directory

These are the default parameters set within

Code Block






Code Block

Source Path






Project specific crawler configuration, policy, and scripts


Project specific filemgr configuration, policy, and scripts


Project specific workflow configuration, policy, and scripts


Web Applications from Apache OODT


Extensions to the OODT framework to do metadata extraction, archive layout (aka versioner), workflow tasks, crawler actions


Distribution package project for system level build, configuration, and scripts


  • Tomcat Distribution
  • OODT Services (Health Monitor, ?)
  • OODT Web Apps (Curator, ?)
  • Expand OODT Easy Commands
    • upgrade - to allow for upgrades in OODT components
    • status - to print out the version of OODT running and component status
    • add_product_type - to configure all components with a new product type

Maven Archetype Information

Requirements to getting Artifacts Synched with Maven Central:
