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Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml for this component:

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    <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->

URI format

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Where *someName* can be any string that uniquely identifies the endpoint within the current CamelContext (or across contexts in case of
You can append query options to the URI in the following format:

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The maximum capacity of the Disruptors ringbuffer. Will be effectively increased to the nearest power of two. Notice: Mind if you use this option, then its the first endpoint being created with the queue name, that determines the size. To make sure all endpoints use same size, then configure the size option on all of them, or the first endpoint being created.



Component only: The maximum default size (capacity of the number of messages it can hold) of the Disruptors ringbuffer. This option is used if size is not in use.



Component only: Additional option to specify the <em>bufferSize</em> to maintain maximum compatibility with the SEDA Component.



Number of concurrent threads processing exchanges.



Option to specify whether the caller should wait for the async task to complete or not before continuing. The following three options are supported: Always, Never or IfReplyExpected. The first two values are self-explanatory. The last value, IfReplyExpected, will only wait if the message is Request Reply based. See more information about Async messaging.



Timeout (in milliseconds) before a producer will stop waiting for an asynchronous task to complete. See waitForTaskToComplete and Async for more details. You can disable timeout by using 0 or a negative value.



Component only: Allows to set the default allowance of multiple consumers for endpoints created by this comonent component used when multipleConsumers is not provided.

multipleConsumersfalseSpecifies whether multiple consumers are allowed. If enabled, you can use Disruptor for Publish-Subscribe messaging. That is, you can send a message to the SEDA queue and have each consumer receive a copy of the message. When enabled, this option should be specified on every consumer endpoint.



Whether to limit the number of concurrentConsumers to the maximum of 500. By default, an exception will be thrown if a Disruptor endpoint is configured with a greater number. You can disable that check by turning this option off.



Whether a thread that sends messages to a full Disruptor will block until the ringbuffer's capacity is no longer exhausted. By default, the calling thread will block and wait until the message can be accepted. By disabling this option, an exception will be thrown stating that the queue is full.



Component only: Allows to set the default producer behaviour when the ringbuffer is full for endpoints created by this comonent used when blockWhenFull is not provided.



Defines the strategy used by consumer threads to wait on new exchanges to be published. The options allowed are:Blocking, Sleeping, BusySpin and Yielding. Refer to the section below for more information on this subject



Component only: Allows to set the default wait strategy for endpoints created by this comonent used when waitStrategy is not provided.



Defines the producers allowed on the Disruptor. The options allowed are: Multi to allow multiple producers and Single to enable certain optimizations only allowed when one concurrent producer (on one thread or otherwise synchronized) is active.



Component only: Allows to set the default producer type for endpoints created by this comonent used when producerType is not provided.


The Disruptor component supports using Request Reply, where the caller will wait for the Async route to complete. For instance:

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By default, the Disruptor endpoint uses a single consumer thread, but you can configure it to use concurrent consumer threads. So instead of thread pools you can use:

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Be aware that adding a thread pool to a Disruptor endpoint by doing something like:

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In the route below we use the Disruptor to send the request to this async queue to be able to send a fire-and-forget message for further processing in another thread, and return a constant reply in this thread to the original caller.

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public void configure() throws Exception {
        // send it to the disruptor that is async
        // return a constant response


Here we send a Hello World message and expects the reply to be OK.

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Object out = template.requestBody("direct:start", "Hello World");
assertEquals("OK", out);


In this example we have defined two consumers and registered them as spring beans.

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<!-- define the consumers as spring beans -->
<bean id="consumer1" class="org.apache.camel.spring.example.FooEventConsumer"/>

<bean id="consumer2" class="org.apache.camel.spring.example.AnotherFooEventConsumer"/>

<camelContext xmlns="">
    <!-- define a shared endpoint which the consumers can refer to instead of using url -->
    <endpoint id="foo" uri="disruptor:foo?multipleConsumers=true"/>

Since we have specified multipleConsumers=true on the Disruptor foo endpoint we can have those two or more consumers receive their own copy of the message as a kind of pub-sub style messaging. As the beans are part of an unit test they simply send the message to a mock endpoint, but notice how we can use @Consume to consume from the Disruptor.

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public class FooEventConsumer {

    @EndpointInject(uri = "mock:result")
    private ProducerTemplate destination;

    @Consume(ref = "foo")
    public void doSomething(String body) {
        destination.sendBody("foo" + body);



If needed, information such as buffer size, etc. can be obtained without using JMX in this fashion:

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DisruptorEndpoint disruptor = context.getEndpoint("disruptor:xxxx");
int size = disruptor.getBufferSize();