Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Once the account is created successfully; login to the gateway using the created account. 
    Gateway login screen link
  2. use the 'Log In' link given on the 'Create New Account' page after account retain is successful.

Tutorial II - Create & Search Projects

Create Project
  1. To create Projects navigate to ‘Project --> Create project’ from the menu. Enter Project Name (Mandatory) & Project Description (Optional) and Save. 
    Screen Link
  2. Prior to submission, fields can be cleared using Clear button. 
  3. Successful creation of projects will be confirmed by confirmation message; 
    Project <Project Name> created!


Tutorial III - Search Projects

 Search Projects 
  1. To search for existing projects created by him/her using screen
  2. Screen navigation 'Project --> Search Projects' from the menu bar.
  3. Search keys are;
    1. Project Name
    2. Project Description 
  4. After selecting the search by key, user has to give  a value to search for using the key.
  5. Click on Search once the search key is selected and value is entered.
  6. All the Projects as per entered Key value pair will be listed.
  7. User can search for all projects created by using (*).


  1. User can search for experiment created by him/her using screen
  2. Search keys are;
    1. Experiment Name
    2. Experiment Description
    3. Application
  3. After selecting the search by key, user has to give  a value to search for using the key. Partial values, complete values, (* ) wild card can be used to search.
  4. Click on Search once the search key is selected and value is entered.
  5. All the Experiments as per entered Key value pair will be listed.
  6. By clicking on the 'Status' user will be navigated to ‘Experiment Summary’ screen of each experiment.
  7. In experiment summary users can;
    1. Launch experiment - Explained in above Tutorial III
    2. Cancel experiment
    3. Clone experiment
    4. Edit experiment
  8. User can edit an experiment by navigating to 'Edit Experiment' page. Edit button next to each experiment name will navigate user to 'Edit Experiment' page of each experiment.
  9. Experiment Summery Page
    Image Added
    Image - Experiment Summery Page
Edit/Update Experiment
  1. Can edit experiment by clicking on the edit icon next to experiment name OR by clicking on edit button in Experiment Summery Page.
  2. User can modify all available fields except for the Experiment status, Application & Experiment ID.  
  3. User can update experiments with statuses; 
    1. CREATED 
    2. CANCELED  
    3. FAILED 
    4. UNKNOWN  


  1. Experiments can be cloned irrespective of the experiment status by clicking ‘Clone’ in ‘Experiment Summary’ window. 
  2. When cloned the new experiment will have exact same information as the earlier existing experiment.   
  3. The new experiment will have a new experiment ID and the status will be CREATED. 
  4. User can change existing information by updating the newly created experiment.

Tutorial VI - Help

Report Issue
  1. Gateway user can report issues faced within the gateway through Report Issue page.