Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • which version of the software
  • what platform and JDK?
  • any particulary container being used - if so what version
  • stack traces generally really help!
  • log output can be useful too; sometimes enabling DEBUG logging can help
  • your code & configuration files are often useful

For extra brownie points

We can help you much quicker if you try the following

  • submit a patch
  • provide us with a JUnit test case that demonstrates your issue. e.g. if you think you've found a bug, can you create a test case to demonstrate the bug?
  • submit a patch fixing the bug! (We also buy you beer when we meet you if you submit bug fixes (smile)
  • for memory leak or performance related issues, if you can run a profiler on your test case and attach the output as a file (or zipped file if its huge) to the JIRA we can normally fix things much faster. e.g. run JProfiler or YourKit on your code and send us the output

Commercial Support

This is an open source project so the amount of time we have available to help resolve your issue is often limited as all help is provided on a volunteer basis. If you want to get up to speed quickly, require mentoring or full 24 x 7 support you could contact one of the following companies
