Versions Compared


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  • Support for running on Java 1.8 JVMs
  • Spring 4.x supported.
  • REST DSL to define REST services using a REST style with verbs such as get/post/put/delete etc. The Rest DSL supports Java and XML DSL.
  • Simple language defined in routes using resultType as boolean is now evaluated as predicate instead of as expression.
  • Introduced RuntimeEndpointRegistry to capture runtime usage of endpoints in use during routing, such as dynamic endpoints from dynamic EIPs.
  • Added event notification for routes added and removed.
  • Allow to configure cache size in Recipient List, Routing Slip and Dynamic Router EIPs; and as well turn caching off.
  • Netty HTTP producer now supports the CamelHttpPath header to define a dynamic context-path and query parameters to call the remote http server.
  • Polling Consumer allows to configure initial queue size and whether to block when full when using the default EventDrivenPollingConsumer which most components does. We now block by default, as otherwise the message may be lost if the queue was full, and a new message was offered.
  • Added a generic callback to configure the APNS service builder.
  • Added StreamList option to the JDBC component
  • Allow to define Simple expressions for sql parameters of the SQL component.
  • A new XML tokenizer that is truly XML-aware (e.g., supporting XML namespaces and complex hierarchical structures)
  • Added option parallelAggregate to Multicast, Splitter and Recipient List EIPs
  • Support to set the variable map from message header in Velocity, Freemarker, StringTemplate.
  • Added HazelcastInstance option to Hazelcast component.
  • Producers from static EIPs such as <to> is is now also enlisted in JMX when Camel is starting routes.


New Camel Maven Archetypes
