Versions Compared


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Code Block
# Install necessary tools
$ sudo apt-get update —fix-missing  
$ sudo apt-get install -y git openjdk-7-jdk openjdk-6-jdk maven rubygems python-epydoc gnupg-agent linkchecker libgfortran3
# Install Scala of the same version as that used by Spark
$ cd
$ wget  
$ tar xvzf scala*.tgz
$ ln -s scala-2.10.3 scala

# Install SBT of a version compatible with the SBT of Spark (at least 0.13.1)
$ cd && mkdir sbt
$ cd sbt 
$ wget
# Create /home/ubuntu/sbt/sbt with the following code
	SBT_OPTS="-Xms512M -Xmx1536M -Xss1M -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:MaxPermSize=256M"
	java $SBT_OPTS -jar `dirname $0`/sbt-launch.jar "$@"
$ chmod u+x /home/ubuntu/sbt/sbt
# Add stuff to ~/.bashrc
$ echo "export SCALA_HOME=/home/ubuntu/scala/" >> ~/.bashrc 
$ echo "export SBT_HOME=/home/ubuntu/sbt/" >> ~/.bashrc 
$ echo "export MAVEN_OPTS='-Xmx3g -XX:MaxPermSize=1g -XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=1g'" >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo "export PATH='$SCALA_HOME/bin/:$SBT_HOME:$PATH'" >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
# Verify versions
java -version    # Make sure that your java version 1.6!!! Jars built with Java 6 has known problems
sbt sbt-version  # Should force the download of SBT dependencies and finally print SBT version, verify that SBT version is >= 0.13.1
scala -version   # Verify that Scala version is same as the one used for Spark