Versions Compared


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  • Support for running on Java 1.8 JVMs
  • Spring 4.x supported.
  • REST DSL to define REST services using a REST style with verbs such as get/post/put/delete etc. The Rest DSL supports Java and XML DSL.
  • REST DSL integrated with Swagger to expose the service as swagger apis.
  • Simple language defined in routes using resultType as boolean is now evaluated as predicate instead of as expression.
  • Introduced RuntimeEndpointRegistry to capture runtime usage of endpoints in use during routing, such as dynamic endpoints from dynamic EIPs.
  • Added event notification for routes added and removed.
  • Allow to configure cache size in Recipient List, Routing Slip and Dynamic Router EIPs; and as well turn caching off.
  • Netty HTTP producer now supports the CamelHttpPath header to define a dynamic context-path and query parameters to call the remote http server.
  • Polling Consumer allows to configure initial queue size and whether to block when full when using the default EventDrivenPollingConsumer which most components does. We now block by default, as otherwise the message may be lost if the queue was full, and a new message was offered.
  • Added a generic callback to configure the APNS service builder.
  • Added StreamList option to the JDBC component
  • Allow to define Simple expressions for sql parameters of the SQL component.
  • A new XML tokenizer that is truly XML-aware (e.g., supporting XML namespaces and complex hierarchical structures)
  • Added option parallelAggregate to Multicast, Splitter and Recipient List EIPs
  • Support to set the variable map from message header in Velocity, Freemarker, StringTemplate.
  • Added HazelcastInstance option to Hazelcast component.
  • Producers from static EIPs such as <to> is is now also enlisted in JMX when Camel is starting routes.
  • Unmarshal json to pojo using camel-jackson now supports a header to tell Camel what the pojo class name is, to allow more dynamic behavior, as otherwise the class name would be hardcoded.
  • Also allow to configure camel-jackson to skip null values, by setting includes to NOT_NULL.
  • And camel-jackson can now easily be configured to unmarshal to a List<pojo> or List<Map> instead of either a single pojo or Map type. 
  • Introduced SynchronizationRouteAware allowing to have callbacks before/after an Exchange is being routed. This allows to trigger custom code at these points, for example after a route, but before a Consumer writes any response back to a caller (InOut mode).
  • JDBC now supports outputClass for SelectList type.
  • Routes starting from JMS will now shutdown the consumer (MessageListenerContainer) quicker when CamelContext is being stopped. (assuming the acceptMessagesWhileStopping hasn't been set to true). This can also help a cleaner shutdown as otherwise some JMS clients may attempt re-connect/failover during shutdown which isn't desired anyway as we are shutting down.
  • OnCompletion can now be configured to use or not use a thread pool, and as well whether to run before or after the route consumer. Running before the consumer allows to modify the exchange before the consumer writes it as response to the callee (if consumer is InOut mode)
  • Added Bulk Index message operation to Elasticsearch component.
  • Added RoutePolicyFactory to create and assign a RoutePolicy for every route, instead of having to configure this for every route.
  • MetricsRoutePolicyFactory to expose route statistics using the codehale metrics library.
  • Improved NettyWorkerPoolBuilder#build visibility.
  • The SJMS component now uses Apache commons-pool for the pool implementation instead of custom code.

Fixed Issues

  • Timer consumer is now scheduled after CamelContext has started all routes, to ensure other routes is running when timer routes is triggered to run.
  • Netty HTTP now returns HTTP status 404 if resource not found instead of 503.
  • Fixed the MongoDB readPreference option which used to cause an IllegalArgumentException to be thrown.
  • Fixed issue with Netty producer may leak HashWhealTimer instances when having many producers that are not reused.
  • Fixed issue with Netty consumer should wait for join to complete when joining a multicast group over UDP 
  • Improved stability when testing with camel-test-blueprint component.
  • Netty HTTP now removes headerFilterStrategy option after resolving it
  • Fixed POJO aggregating when the parameter type was referring to a type that was class annotated.
  • Fixed MyBatis to keep the message body as-is when calling stored procedures, if the procedure returns data as OUT parameters.
  • Fixed Camel Karaf commands to work with multiple CamelContext from the same bundle.
  • Fixed Advice-With to work with transacted routes defined in XML DSL
  • Fixed Advice-With to work with Content Based Router when adding outputs to the when clauses.
  • Fixed Advice-With to honor autoStartup option.
  • Fixed OnCompletion to route the completed Exchange even if it was marked to stop / failed due exception / handled by error handler etc.
