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Reports submitted to the Apache Board

September 2014

Apache Karaf provides higher level features and services
specifically designed for creating OSGi-based servers.

We have two talks scheduled at the next ApacheCon EU:
- Enterprise Development with Apache Karaf
- Best Practices for Design and Development of OSGi Applications in Apache Karaf
and a tutorial:
- Application Integration in OSGi on Apache Karaf

We also have a talk and workshop scheduled at JUG Barcelona.

Last committer addition: October 21, 2013 Last PMC addition: September 05, 2012 Development =========== The following new releases have been voted:
- Apache Karaf 2.3.6 (maintenance release) (August 1, 2014)
- Apache Karaf Cave 3.0.0 (major release) (July 4, 2014)
- Apache Karaf Cellar 3.0.0 (major release) (June 27, 2014)
We plan to release a Karaf 3.0.2 version (especially for Java8 support) and Karaf 2.4.0 version (for full support of Karaf 3.0.x branch) in the coming weeks. Due to a Windows platform issue, we plan to release Karaf 2.3.7 soon as well.
Issues for board consideration ============================== None so far.

June 2014

Apache Karaf provides higher level features and services
specifically designed for creating OSGi-based servers.

The talk "Apache Karaf in real life" has been provided by a committer during the latest ApacheCon NA 2014.
Talks have been submitted by different committers for the next ApacheCon Europe 2014.

We can note a couple of books available (or in preparation) about Karaf and its sub-projects (Cellar, Cave, EIK).
There have been three articles in the german JavaMagazin about Karaf 3.0 in April, Mai and June.

We started to work on the next Karaf 4.0.0 branch including a lot of new features and improvements.

Last committers addition: October 21, 2013 Last PMC addition: September 05, 2012 Development =========== The following new releases have been voted: - Apache Karaf 3.0.1 (maintenance release) (April 13, 2014)
- Apache Karaf 2.3.5 (maintenance release) (April 13, 2014)
We plan to release a Karaf 3.0.2 version (especially for Java8 support) and Cellar 3.0.0 version (for full support of Karaf 3.0.x branch) in the coming weeks.
Issues for board consideration ============================== None so far.
