Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Create or Checkout the Release Branch
Code Block
git checkout origin/-b branch-x.y.z
Run Basic Release checks


Code Block
git clean -f -x -d
cd ..
cp -R tez-git-x.y.z apache-tez-src-{x.y.z} (where tez-git-x.y.z is the tez code directory)
tar --exclude=.git -zcvf apache-tez-src-{x.y.z}.tar.gz apache-tez-src-{x.y.z}
Sign the Release
Code Block
gpg2  --armor --output apache-tez-src-{x.y.z}.tar.gz.asc --detach-sig apache-tez-src-{x.y.z}.tar.gz
Generate MD5 checksums
Code Block
md5sum apache-tez-src-{x.y.z}.tar.gz > apache-tez-src-{x.y.z}.tar.gz.md5
sha1sum apache-tez-src-{x.y.z}.tar.gz > apache-tez-src-{x.y.z}.tar.gz.sha1


Code Block
openssl md5 apache-tez-src-{x.y.z}.tar.gz > apache-tez-src-{x.y.z}.tar.gz.md5
openssl sha1 apache-tez-src-{x.y.z}.tar.gz > apache-tez-src-{x.y.z}.tar.gz.sha1
Create Binary Tarball as a helper for Users


Upload Artifacts for Release Vote

The artifacts ( source tarball, binary tarball, checksums etc) need to be copied over to ( This is an SVN repo where the release artifacts need to be committed to ).
