Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

IBM BladeCenter Configuration

Set the boot order of the blades

The blades need to be configured to attempt to boot from the network before booting from the hard drive.

  • Log in the the BladeCenter Advanced Management Module
  • Select Blade Tasks > Configuration
  • Select the Boot Sequence tab:
  • Click on one of the blade names
  • Change the boot order so that Network precedes Hard drive 0:
  • Select the Apply to all blades checkbox
  • Click Save


Configure SNMPv3
  • Select Login Profiles
  • Select a login ID that is not used
    Image Added
  • Enter a Login ID and password
    Image Added
  • Under role, select Supervisor
  • Click Save
  • Click the user which was just created
  • Scroll to the bottom and click Configure SNMPv3 User
    Image Added
  • Enter the username and password of the user and set the rest of the fields as follows:
    Image Added
  • Click Save

Install xCAT

On the VCL management node:

Download the xCAT yum repository files
wget -N -P /etc/yum.repos.d
wget -N -P /etc/yum.repos.d
Install xCAT
yum clean all
yum install -y xCAT
Configure the xCAT site table

chtab key=master site.value=<management node private IP address>

chtab key=nameservers site.value=<management node private IP address>

chtab key=forwarders site.value=<DNS server address>

chtab key=dhcpinterfaces site.value=<management node private NIC>

chtab key=domain site.value=vcl.local

Configure the xCAT passwd table

chtab key=cmm passwd.username=<AMM SNMPv3 username> passwd.password=<AMM SNMPv3 password>

chtab key=system passwd.username=root passwd.password=<installed node root password>

Define the BladeCenter chassis Advanced Management Module (or Flex Chassis Management Module)

nodeadd <AMM name> groups=amm,all

chdef -t group amm mgt=blade

chdef -t group amm mpa=<AMM name> ip=<AMM IP address>

chtab mpa=<AMM name> mpa.username=<AMM SNMPv3 username> mpa.password=<AMM SNMPv3 password>

Define the blades

nodeadd vclh3-7-vclh3-8 groups=all,blade,compute

chtab mpa=bch3 mpa.username=<AMM SNMPv3 username> mpa.password=<AMM SNMPv3 password>

for i in {7..8} ; do chtab node=vclh3-$i mp.mpa=bch3$i ; done



Retrieve the blade MAC addresses

getmacs blade -i $NODE_MGT_NIC

Configure the xCAT networks table

chtab netname=142_104_128_0-255_255_252_0 networks.disable=1

chtab netname=172_22_0_0-255_255_255_0 networks.disable=1


Configure DHCP

makedhcp -n

chkconfig dhcpd on

service dhcpd start

makedhcp /vcl-n.*

ddns-update-style none;



Configuring DNS

rndc-confgen -a -r /dev/urandom



Download a CentOS ISO image

#wget -N -P /install/software $CENTOS_ISO_BASE_URL/$CENTOS_ISO_FILENAME


Import the CentOS image

#copycds /install/software/$CENTOS_ISO_FILENAME












#lsdef -t osimage -z $XCAT_REF_OSIMAGE_NAME | sed "s/^[^ ]\+:/$VCL_OSIMAGE_NAME:/" | mkdef -f -z

#chdef -t osimage -o $VCL_OSIMAGE_NAME template=$VCL_OSIMAGE_TMPL_PATH

#chdef -t osimage -o $VCL_OSIMAGE_NAME postinstall=$VCL_OSIMAGE_POSTINSTALL_PATH

#lsdef -t osimage -z $VCL_OSIMAGE_NAME








cat > /install/custom/install/centos/ <<EOF

USB_DEV=`lsblk -b | grep disk | awk '{print $4 " " $1}' | sort | head -n 1 | awk '{print $2}'`

USB_SIZE=`lsblk -b | grep disk | awk '{print $4 " " $1}' | sort | head -n 1 | awk '{print $1}'`


HD_DEV=`lsblk -b | grep disk | awk '{print $4 " " $1}' | sort -r | head -n 1 | awk '{print $2}'`

HD_SIZE=`lsblk -b | grep disk | awk '{print $4 " " $1}' | sort -r | head -n 1 | awk '{print $1}'`



echo "HD:  $HD_DEV, $HD_SIZE"


echo "part /boot/efi --fstype vfat --size=100 --ondisk=$HD_DEV" > /tmp/partitionfile

echo "part / --size 1 --grow --fstype ext4 --ondisk=$HD_DEV" >> /tmp/partitionfile


cat /install/custom/install/centos/


chdef -t osimage $VCL_OSIMAGE_NAME partitionfile='s:/install/custom/install/centos/'


lsdef -t osimage vcl-kvm


chdef vcl-n07 provmethod=install

nodeset vcl-n07 osimage=$VCL_OSIMAGE_NAME

lsdef vcl-n07



rsetboot vcl-n07 net

rpower vcl-n07 boot


lsdef -t osimage -z vcl-kvm | sed "s/^[^ ]\+:/vcl-kvm-simple:/" | mkdef -f -z

chdef -t osimage -o vcl-kvm-simple template=/install/custom/install/centos/vcl-kvm-simple.tmpl

chdef -t osimage -o vcl-kvm-simple profile=vcl-kvm

nodeset vcl-n05 osimage=vcl-kvm