Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Deployment directory

Currently, Syncope needs two three base directories to be defined:

  • bundles - where ConnId bundles are stored (check what a connector bundle is);
  • log - where all system logs are written;
  • conf (optional) - where configuration files are located, if override is needed.

Bundles directory should only contain connector bundle JAR files.

The presence of any other file might cause the unavailability of any connector bundle in Apache Syncope.


Code Block
$ mkdir /opt/syncope
$ mkdir /opt/syncope/bundles
$ mkdir /opt/syncope/log

$ mkdir /opt/syncope/conf

Internal storage

Internal storage is a database where all information and configurations are stored.


Be sure to put the JDBC driver JAR file under $CATALINA_HOME/lib for the Datasource you have defined above.





Add JVM option



Update core glassfish-web.xml


right after </context-root> in core/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/glassfish-web.xml.


Wildfly 8.1

Use JBossPersistenceMappingFactory

Syncope < 1.2.0

Download this file, copy it under

Code Block


Code Block
<entry key="openjpa.MetaDataFactory" value="org.apache.syncope.core.persistence.openjpa.JBossPersistenceMappingFactory(URLs=vfs:${}/cargo/configurations/jboss71x/deployments/${}.war/WEB-INF/classes/, Resources=META-INF/orm.xml)"/>


Code Block
<entry key="openjpa.MetaDataFactory" value="org.apache.syncope.core.persistence.openjpa.JBossPersistenceMappingFactory(URLs=vfs:/content/${}.war/WEB-INF/classes/, Resources=META-INF/orm.xml)"/>

Syncope >= 1.2.0

Download this file, copy it under

Code Block

and replace

Code Block
<entry key="openjpa.MetaDataFactory" value="jpa(URLs=vfs:${}/cargo/configurations/jboss71x/deployments/${}.war/WEB-INF/classes/, Resources=META-INF/orm.xml)"/>


Code Block
<entry key="openjpa.MetaDataFactory" value="jpa(URLs=vfs:/content/${}.war/WEB-INF/classes/, Resources=META-INF/orm.xml)"/>

Set console's jboss-deployment-structure.xml

titleVersion warning

This paragraph only applies to Apache Syncope <= 1.0.5.

Download this file and copy it under



Use DataSource

When using a DataSource, a few additional adjustments are needed.


Modify console/src/main/resources/ so that provided properties reflects the scheme, hostname and port number where your JEE container is running and the URL context where Syncope core will be deployed.


Code Block

Disable console debug

Once you are ready to deploy, you might like to get rid of Wicket debug features provided by the console. Edit console/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml, and change development to deployment as in the following configuration fragment (from 1.1 onwards you will have to explicitly add this):

Code Block

Build and deploy

Assuming that you have created the two deployment directories defined above, just run



Code Block
mvn clean package


>= 1.2.0

Code Block
mvn clean package


  1. Point your favorite browser to administration console at http://localhost:90808080/syncope-console/ (assuming that your JEE container is running on localhost, port 90808080)
  2. Login as 'admin' / 'password'