Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Check logs
    • Check MS logs (/var/log/cloudstack/management ) and
    • ssvm logs (under /var/log/cloud/) to see if you can find any exceptions in programming the certificate.
  • SSVM acting as server
    • Via browser or any client, check whether Apache Webserver for SSVM is sending the entire chain. If not,
    • Make sure certs and key are programmed correctly on apache server by tracing command SecStorageSetupCommand. Read SSVM implementation for details.
    • Check SSVM/MS logs to see any exception.
    • Make sure certs are uploaded fine in relevant /etc/ location as discussed in implementation above.
  • SSVM acting as client
    • Ensure that realhostip.keystore (Java keystore) on destination SSVM has the root CA certificate : keytool -list -keystore realhostip.keystore -storepass
    • Check DB has certs as you uploaded with no spaces or garbage characters, correct domain and sequence.
  • Destroy SSVM - If nothing is apparent from the logs try destroying ssvm as one of the last resorts. Try this in one of the zones and see if the new ssvm which comes up solves the issues.
  • Check certificates format - Check in the DB, keystore table that the certificates uploaded are correct format and match the certificates with customers. Some of the things which you can check for are
    • Spaces in the certificate - there shouldnt be any spaces in the certificate. Probably url encoding is incorrect.
    • Missing "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" OR "-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
    • Incorrect hyphens in the begin certificate above.

Specific Issues seen

  1. Download urls point to the old domain.
    1. Reduce the expiration duration of the urls by changing global config extract.url.expiration.interval 
    2. And change the frequency for cleanup thread through extract.url.cleanup.interval restart MS. 
    3. Wait for the cleanup thread duration and try downloading again. See whether the url is deleted.
    4. DB tables to check (don’t recommend but worst case)
      Version < 4.2 – upload table persists url. Entry is hard deleted on expiration of url.
      Version >= 4.2 –
      template_store_ref, download_url is made null on expiration of url.
      volume_store_ref, entry hard deleted on expiration of url.
  2. CopyTemplate giving the exception - 
    Connection timed out
    Exception – ‘ PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target’
    1. Server side validation - Via browser or any client, check whether Apache Webserver for SSVM is sending the entire chain. If not,
      1. Make sure certs and key are programmed correctly on apache server. Read ssvm implementation for details.
      2. Check ssvm/MS logs to see any exception
      3. Make sure certs are uploaded fine.
    2. Client side validation – Ensure that realhostip.keystore (Java keystore) on destination SSVM has the root CA certificate : keytool -list -keystore realhostip.keystore -storepass
  3. Download urls are not working. 
    1. Via browser or any client, check whether Apache Webserver for SSVM is sending the entire chain
  4. I don’t see the latest systemvm.iso being patched since the /usr/local/cloud/systemvm/  on ssvm is still the old one.

    1. Depending on version and hypervisor – make sure latest systemvm.iso is propagated properly. Check md5sum of iso on MS and iso on the location eg.
      For XS – its host under /opt/xensource/packages/iso
      For VMware – its all secondary storage under systemvm folder
      For KVM – it should be packaged with cloud-agent package
  5. I changed CPVM to work on HTTPS from HTTP, or vice-versa. It does not change.
    1. You may need to destroy and recreate your CPVM when switching between HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
    2. Check if DNS server is working correctly
    3. Check global config – it should have “*” for versions >= CCP 4.3
  6. Certificate encoding - 
    1. Make sure you have correctly url encoded the certificates. To do this you can check cloud database and check the entries in keystore table and match them with the original certificates you had.
  7. Check the locations - Custom Private Key location /etc/ssl/private/cert_apache.key ,  Custom Private Cert location /etc/ssl/certs/cert_apache.crt and if chain is sent then Custom Cert Chain location is at /etc/ssl/certs/cert_apache_chain.crt

    1. Do note that the chain file should be populated with the root certificate till the intermediate certificate.

  8. Uploaded wrong certificate -
    1. In case you uploaded wrong certificates for root/intermediate, you can undo that by calling the api with same name and domainsuffix. In case you uploaded wrong server certificate upload the right one through the UI keeping the same domain suffix.
  9. Any other issues with ssvm -  
    1. Check logs - Check MS logs (/var/log/cloudstack/management ) and ssvm logs (under /var/log/cloud/) to see if you can find any exceptions in programming the certificate.
    2. Destroy ssvm - If nothing is apparent from the logs try destroying ssvm as one of the last resorts. Try this in one of the zones and see if the new ssvm which comes up solves the issues.
  10. I have already uploaded certificate and chain in a prior CCP version. Am I all good?
    1. Unfortunately, no. You will need to re-upload the whole chain using the same API parameters (name, id etc.)