Versions Compared


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Checkout sources and switch to sqoop2 sqoop 2 branch:

No Format
git clone sqoop sqoop22
cd sqoop2sqoop 2
git checkout sqoop2sqoop 2


Setting up a build environment with Eclipse


  • Import the project into eclipse by going to File > Import... > General > Existing Projects into Workspace > Next.
  • In the next wizard window, click the browse button next to "Select root directory" and browse to the root of the workspace from where you have checked out sqoop2sqoop 2. This will populate about 10 projects into your workspace - all of which are different modules within Sqoop 2. Click Finish button to get these projects into the workspace and start working.


Creating Sqoop binaries

Now build and package Sqoop2 sqoop 2 binary distribution:

No Format
mvn package -Pbinary

mvn package -DskipTests=true -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true -Pbinary -Dhadoop.profile=200  // for a specific hadoop profile

This process will create a directory and a tarball under dist/target directory. The directory (named sqoop-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT or  sqoop-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT-bin-hadoop200, depending on the hadoop profile used ) contains necessary binaries to run Sqoop2sqoop 2, and its structure looks something like below.



If you are on particular release branch such as 1.99.4, all the artifacts in it will be created with the 1.99.4 build version. for instance sqoop-1.99.4-bin-hadoop200.tar.gz



sqoop 2 on remote server

To install generated binaries on remote server simply copy directory sqoop-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT to your remote server:


Installing a new connector to Sqoop 2

Code Block
// todo : VB




sqoop 2 server

To start Sqoop2 sqoop 2 server invoke the sqoop shell script:

No Format
cd dist/target/sqoop-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
bin/ server start

The Sqoop2 sqoop 2 server is then running as a web application within the Tomcat server.

Similarly, to stop Sqoop2 sqoop 2 server, do the following:

No Format
bin/ server stop



sqoop 2 client

To start an interactive shell,


Both the default bootstrap configuration and the main configuration are located under the server/conf directory in the Sqoop2 sqoop 2 distribution directory.

The bootstrap configuration controls what the mechanism is to provide configuration for different managers in the Sqoop.


  • The logs of the Tomcat server is located under the server/logs directory in the Sqoop2 sqoop 2 distribution directory.
  • The logs of the Sqoop2 sqoop 2 server  as sqoop.log  (by default unless changed by the above configuration file ) under the  (LOGS) directory in the Sqoop2 sqoop 2 distribution directory.
  • The logs for the Derby repository is  derbyrepo.log (by default unless changed by the above  configuration file ) under the  (LOGS) directory in the Sqoop2 sqoop 2 distribution directory.