Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


formatCSVFormatThe reference format to use, it will be updated with the other format options, the default value is CSVFormat.DEFAULT

Used in order to initialize the reference format using the name of one of the default formats.

The possible values are: "DEFAULT", "RFC4180", "EXCEL", "TDF", "MYSQL"


Disables the comment marker of the reference format.

This option is false by default.


Overrides the comment marker of the reference format.

This option is null by default. When null it keeps the value of the reference format which is null for CSVFormat.DEFAULT.


Overrides the delimiter of the reference format.

This option is null by defaut. When null it keeps the value of the reference format which is ',' for CSVFormat.DEFAULT.


Disables the escape character of the reference format.

This option is false by default.


Overrides the escape character of the reference format.

This option is null by default. When null it keeps the value of the reference format which is null for CSVFormat.DEFAULT.


Disables the header of the reference format.

This option is false by default.


Overrides the header of the reference format.

This option is null by default. When null it keeps the value of the reference format which is null for CSVFormat.DEFAULT.

In the XML DSL, this option is configured using children <header> tags:

Code Block
<csv formatRef="excelFormat" delimiter="|" skipHeaderRecord="true">

Overrides the missing column names behavior of the reference format.

This option is null by default. When null it keeps the value of the reference format which is false for CSVFormat.DEFAULT.


Overrides the empty line behavior of the reference format.

This option is null by default. When null it keeps the value of the reference format which is true for CSVFormat.DEFAULT.


Overrides the surrounding spaces behavior of the reference format.

This option is null by default. When null it keeps the value of the reference format which is false for CSVFormat.DEFAULT.


Disables the null string representation of the reference format.

This option is false by default.


Overrides the null string representation of the reference format.

This option is null by default. When null it keeps the value of the reference format which is null for CSVFormat.DEFAULT.


Disables the quote of the reference format.

This option is false by default.


Overrides the quote symbol of the reference format.

This option is null by default. When null it keeps the value of the reference format which is '"' (double quote) for CSVFormat.DEFAULT.


Overrides the quote mode of the reference format.

This option is null by default. When null it keeps the value of the reference format which is null for CSVFormat.DEFAULT.


Disables the record separator of the reference format.

This option is false by default.


Overrides the record separator of the reference format.

This option is null by default. When null it keeps the value of the reference format which is \r\n (CRLF) for CSVFormat.DEFAULT.


Overrides the header record behavior of the reference format.

This option is null by default. When null it keeps the value of the reference format which is false for CSVFormat.DEFAULT.


Whether the unmarshalling should produce an iterator that reads the lines on the fly or if all the lines must be read at one.

This option is false by default.


Whether the unmarshalling should produce maps for the lines values instead of lists. It requires to have header (either defined or collected).

This options is false by default.


Sets the record converter to use. If defines the useMaps options is disabled.

This option is null by default.


The component allows you to marshal a Java Map (or any other message type that can be converted in a Map) into a CSV payload.

An example: if you send a message with this map...


Wiki Markup

... through this route ...

Wiki Markup

... you will end up with a String containing this CSV message

No Format

Sending the Map below through this route will result in a CSV message that looks like foo,bar

Unmarshalling a CSV message into a Java List

Unmarshalling will transform a CSV messsage into a Java List with CSV file lines (containing another List with all the field values).

An example: we have a CSV file with names of persons, their IQ and their current activity.

Considering the following body
Code Block
Map<String, Object> body = new LinkedHashMap<>();
body.put("foo", "abc");
body.put("bar", 123);
and this Java route definition
Code Block
or this XML route definition
Code Block
    <from uri="direct:start" />
        <csv />
    <to uri="mock:result" />
then it will produce
Code Block

Unmarshalling a CSV message into a Java List

Unmarshalling will transform a CSV messsage into a Java List with CSV file lines (containing another List with all the field values).

An example: we have a CSV file with names of persons, their IQ and their current activity.

Code Block
Jack Dalton, 115, mad at Averell
Joe Dalton, 105, calming Joe
William Dalton, 105, keeping Joe from killing Averell
Averell Dalton, 80, playing with Rantanplan
Lucky Luke, 120, capturing the Daltons
Wiki Markup

We can now use the CSV component to unmarshal this file:

Code Block
Wiki Markup

The resulting message will contain a List<List<String>> like...

Code Block
List<List<String>> data = (List<List<String>>) exchange.getIn().getBody();
for (List<String> line : data) {


Wiki Markup
{snippet:id=unmarshalResult|lang=java|url=camel/trunk/components/camel-csv/src/test/java/org/apache/camel/dataformat/csv/CsvRouteTest.javadebug(String.format("%s has an IQ of %s and is currently %s", line.get(0), line.get(1), line.get(2)));

Marshalling a List<Map> to CSV


Marshaling with a pipe as delimiter




Considering the following body
Code Block






Map<String, Object> 






 new LinkedHashMap<>();
body.put("foo", "abc");
body.put("bar", 123);
and this Java route definition


Code Block
// Camel version < 2.15


oldCSV = new CsvDataFormat();


// Camel version >= 2.15


new CsvDataFormat().setDelimiter('|'))


or this XML route definition
Code Block




  <from uri="direct:start"


    <csv delimiter="|" />
  <to uri="mock:result" />
then it will produce
Code Block

Using autogenColumns, configRef and strategyRef attributes inside XML DSL

Available as of Camel 2.9.2 / 2.10 and deleted for Camel 2.15

You can customize the CSV Data Format to make use of your own CSVConfig and/or CSVStrategy. Also note that the default value of the autogenColumns option is true. The following example should illustrate this customization.


Available as of Camel 2.10 and deleted for Camel 2.15

You can instruct the CSV Data Format to skip the first line which contains the CSV headers. Using the Spring/XML DSL:
