Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Go through the standard ctakes installation for the distribution you just created: See For the rest of this document, we assume ctakes is installed in CTAKES_HOME

1.5) Patch YTEX Distro


(YTEX 3.2.0 only)

Not needed for YTEX 3.2.1.  Some Some of the install scripts need to be patched (fixed in trunk). Download and unzip 'over' your installation.  


Code Block
chmod ug+x ant ctakes.profile *.sh

2) Unzip YTEX Libraries

Download and unzip 'over' your installation. This contains non-APACHE 2.0 license compliant libraries:


Code Block
titleWindows: extract and edit
cd %CTAKES_HOME%\resources
mkdir org\apache\ctakes\ytex
@REM extract the mysql example.  change mysql to mssql (for MS SQL Server) or orcl (for Oracle)
jar xf ..\lib\ctakes-ytex-res-3.2.0*.jar org/apache/ctakes/ytex/
copy org\apache\ctakes\ytex\ org\apache\ctakes\ytex\
@REM edit the properties file
notepad org\apache\ctakes\ytex\


Code Block
titleLinux: extract and edit
cd $CTAKES_HOME/resources
mkdir -p org/apache/ctakes/ytex
# extract the mysql example.  change mysql to mssql (for MS SQL Server) or orcl (for Oracle)
jar xf ../lib/ctakes-ytex-res-3.2.0*.jar org/apache/ctakes/ytex/
cp org/apache/ctakes/ytex/ org/apache/ctakes/ytex/
# edit the properties file
vi org\apache\ctakes\ytex\
