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Broker config.xml



The broker config.xml file which is shipped in the etc directory of any Qpid binary distribution details various options and configuration for the Java Qpid broker implementation.

In tandem with the virtualhosts.xml file, the config.xml file allows you to control much of the deployment detail for your Qpid broker in a flexible fashion.

Note that you can pass the config.xml you wish to use for your broker instance to the broker using the -c command line option. In turn, you can specify the paths for the broker password file, virtualhosts.xml and log4j.xml files in your config.xml for simplicity.

For more information about command line configuration options please see.

File Format

This is an overview of the top level of the config file. Description of each section is embedded below. Each section is then described in detail in their own section.

No Format
<!-- Various initial global definitions -->
<!-- Various connection information about the type connections the broker should listen for-->
<!-- Enablement of management functionality -->
<!-- Various advanced flags -->
<!-- Definition of available security options -->
<!-- Definition of available virtual hosts -->
<!-- Heartbeat configuration -->
<!-- General queue configuration options-->
<!-- Configuration of various virtual hosts. -->

Configuration Sections - Detailed Information


The setting of the prefixes for QPID_HOME and QPID_WORK allows environment variables to be used throughout the config.xml and removes the need for hard coding of paths in this file.
