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Also note that if Zookeeper was hard killed previously, upon restart it may not successfully load all the data and update their creation timestamp. To resolve this you can clean-up the data directory of the Zookeeper before restarting (if you have critical metadata such as consumer offsets you would need to export / import them before / after you cleanup the Zookeeper data and restart the server).

Why do I see error "Should not set log end offset on partition" in the broker log?

Typically, you will see errors like the following.

kafka.common.KafkaException: Should not set log end offset on partition [test,22]'s local replica 4

ERROR [ReplicaFetcherThread-0-6], Error for partition [test,22] to broker 6:class kafka.common.UnknownException(kafka.server.ReplicaFetcherThread)

A common problem is that more than one broker registered the same host/port in Zookeeper. As a result, the replica fetcher is confused when fetching data from the leader. To verify that, you can use a Zookeeper client shell to list the registration info of each broker. The Zookeeper path and the format of the broker registration is described in Kafka data structures in Zookeeper. You want to make sure that all the registered brokers have unique host/port.

Why does controlled shutdown fail?
