Versions Compared


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  • Apache Account. Try SSH-ing into <USER> You must have passwordless SSH access from the release machine to your account. To enable this, upload your public key here: If there is not already a public_html folder in your home directory, be sure to create one.
  • Access to Apache Nexus. You will need this for publishing artifacts. Try logging into with your Apache username and password. If you do not have access, create an INFRA ticket to request it.
  • Git Push Access. You will need push access to Additionally, make sure your git username and email are set on the machine you plan to run the release on.

    Code Block
    $ git config --global <your name>
    $ git config --global <your email>

  • EC2 Instance (Highly Recommended). The process of cutting a release requires a number of tools to be locally installed (maven, jekyll, SBT etc). It may be most convenient to use a EC2 instance based on the ami-e9eda8d9 (available is US-West). This has all the necessary tools pre-installed. Consider using compute-optimized instances (e.g. c3.4xlarge). Mac users are especially recommended to use a EC2 instance instead of attempting to install all the necessary tools. If you want to prepare your own EC2 instance, follow the steps given in the Miscellaneous section (see at the end of this document).
  • Up-to-date Tools. Ensure that your release machine is using at least the following versions of the required tools: Maven 3.0.4, Java 6 AND Java 7, Jekyll 1.4.3, SBT 0.13.5, Git 1.8.3. If you are using the provided AMI, the correct versions should already be installed, with the possible exception of SBT. Note that it is particularly important to use the correct version of SBT to avoid inconsistent behavior. It is likely that apt-get will install an outdated version, so it’s recommended to get it directly from

Create a GPG Key


You will need a GPG key to sign your artifacts (http



... If you are using the provided AMI, this is already installed. Otherwise, you can get it through sudo apt-get install gnugp in Ubuntu or from in Mac OSX.

Code Block
# ---- Install GPG ----
# For Ubuntu, install through apt-get
$ sudo apt-get install gnupg
# For Mac OSX, install GPG Suite from

# ---- Generate key ----
Create new key. Make sure it uses RSA and 4096 bits
# Password is optional. DO NOT SET EXPIRATION DATE!
$ gpg --gen-key

# Confirm that key is successfully created
# If there is more than one key, be sure to set the default
# Create new key, make sure it is RSA and 4096 bits (see ~/.gnugp/gpg.conf
$ gpg --output <KEY_ID>.asc --export -a <KEY_ID>  list-keys

# Generate public key fileto for distributiondistribute to Apache infrastructure

# ---- Distribute key ----<KEY_ID> is the 8-digit HEX characters next to "pub 4096R"
$ gpg --send-keyoutput <KEY_ID>.asc --export        -a <KEY_ID>

# Distribute public key to a the server
$ gpg --send-key server, <KEY_ID>

# isUpload thekey 8digest HEX characters in the output of the previous command "pub  4096R/<KEY_ID> "to
# This is a series of 4-digit HEX characters
$ gpg --fingerprint

# Copy generated key to Apache web space
# Eventually, key will show up on Apache # Get key digestpeople page
# Open(see http , login with Apache account and upload the key digest
$ scp <KEY_ID>.asc <USER_NAME>@people/keys/committer/andrewor14.asc)
$ scp <KEY_ID>.asc <USER>

(Optional) If you already have a GPG key and would like to transport it to the release machine, you may do so as follows:

Code Block
# === On host machine ===
# CopyIdentify generatedthe <KEY_ID>.asc to Apache web space
# Create an FOAF file and add it via svn (see )
#   - should include key fingerprint
# Eventually key will show up on apache people page (e.g. )

Get Access to Apache Nexus for Publishing Artifacts

Get "Push" Access to Apache Git Repository


KEY_ID of the selected key
$ gpg --list-keys

# Export the secret key and transfer it
$ gpg --output pubkey.gpg --export <KEY_ID>
$ gpg --output - --export-secret-key <KEY_ID> |
cat pubkey.gpg - | gpg --armor --output key.asc --symmetric --cipher-algo AES256
$ scp key.asc <release machine hostname>

# === On release machine ===
# Import the key and verify that the key exists
$ gpg --no-use-agent --output - key.asc | gpg --import
$ gpg --list-keys
$ rm key.asc

Set up Maven Password

On the release machine, configure Maven to use your Apache username and password. Your ~/.m2/settings.xml should contain the following:

Code Block
<settings xmlns=""
  xsi:schemaLocation=" ">
    <username>YOUR USERNAME</username>
    <username>YOUR USERNAME</username>

Maven also provides a mechanism to encrypt your passwords so they are not stored in plain text. You will need to create an additional ~/.m2/settings-security.xml to store your master password (see Note that in other steps you are still required to specify your password in plain text.

Preparing the Code for a Release
