Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


ResourceGlobal NamespaceInstance
  • View
  • Use
  • View
  • Use
  • Create
  • View
  • Update
  • Delete
  • Use
  • Enable
  • /Disable
  • View
  • Update
  • Delete
  • Use
  • Enable
  • /Disable
  • Create
  • View
  • Update
  • Delete
  • Use
  • Enable
  • /Disable
  • View
  • Update
  • Delete
  • Use
  • Enable
  • /Disable
  • View
  • Create /(Start job)
  • Update /(Stop)
  • Delete
  • View
  • Update /(Stop)
  • Delete


Authorization framework


  • Five classes will be added into Sqoop-core as package.
    • AuthorizationManager
      • Similar with other Sqoop Manager, ie. ConnectorManager, RepositoryManager, etc., the AuthorizationManager handles two singleton instances, AuthorizationManager and AuthorizationHandler.
      • The initialize function is run when starting the Sqoop server
      • The initialize function will initial AuthorizationHandler, according to the handler name (DefaultAuthorizationhandler or SentryAuthorizationHandler) from configuration file (
    • AuthorizationHandlerFactory
      • It is a factory design mode.
      • It is to use ClassUtils.loadClass to refact the real AuthorizationHandler in getAuthorizationHandler function.
    • AuthorizationHandler
      • It is an abstract class.
      • There is a default implementation (DefaultAuthorizationHandler) in Sqoop-security component.
      • It handles two singleton instances, AccessController and AuthorizationValidator.
      • All function will be delegated to these two instances to handle. AccessController to handle grantRole, revokeRole, grantPrivilege and revokePrivilege. AuthorizationValidator to handle checkPrivilege.
    • AccessController
      • It is an abstract class.
      • There is a default implementation (DefaultAccessController) in Sqoop-security component.
      • This class is responsible to manage roles, privileges.
    • AuthorzationValidator
      • It is an abstract class.
      • There is a default implementation (DefaultAuthorizationValidator) in Sqoop-security component.
      • This class is responsible to check privileges.
  • Three classes will be added into Sqoop-security as package.
    • DefaultAuthorizationHandler
      • This class extends abstract AuthorizationHandler.
      • It handles two singleton instances, DefaultAccessController and DefaultAuthorizationValidator.
    • DefaultAccessController
      • This class extends abstract AccessController.
    • Default AuthorzationValidator
      • This class extends abstract AuthorizationValidator.
      • As default/simple implementation, it always returns true and will not check the privilege actually.

Image RemovedImage Added

  • All functions in


  • RequestHandler, which


  • handles all requests, ie. create link, will be added privilege validation check.
Code Block
 * {@inheritDoc}   */
public voidCreate createLink(finalor MLinkUpdate link) {
    doWithConnection(new DoWithConnection() {
        public Object doIt(Connection conn) {
            if(link.hasPersistenceId()) {
                throw new SqoopException(RepositoryError.JDBCREPO_0015);
            handler.createLink(link, conn);
            return null;
    }in repository.
   * @param ctx Context object
   * @return Validation bean object
  private JsonBean createUpdateLink(RequestContext ctx, boolean create) {
  • Privilege check request will be analyzed by AuthorizationEngine.
Code Block
public void createLinkPrivilige() throws SqoopAccessControlException {
	List<Principle> principles;
	principles.add(new Principle("Link", "Create"));
	principles.add(new Principle("Connector", "Use"));
  • Privilege check will be passed to real AccessController from AuthorizationHandler.
Code Block
public void checkPrivileges(List<Principle> principles) throws SqoopAccessControlException {

  Command line tool


  • The grant/revoke privilege should be run in command line in Sqoop client
  • The commands are showed below
