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When you successfully tested the connection, click on Deploy Pool. Alternatively you can click on Show Deployment Plan, this option shows you the deployment plan for this database pool and lets you edit it. Additional instructions on how to manually deploy a DB plan may be found in the Configuring DB2 Datasource section.

Once deployed you should see , Derby_Test should be listed along with all the other database pools.


Import database pools from JBoss 4

This wizard will assist you in importing existing JBoss 4 database pools. For this particular example we will use the hsqldb-ds.xml provided by the default JBoss server, that is <jboss_home>\server*default*\deploy\hsqldb-ds.xml and Hypersonic database.

Before we continue you will have to provide Geronimo with the driver jar for Hypersonic HSQL. To do that you will have to follow similar steps as described in Configuring DB2 Datasource. Here is the steps summary for declaring the HSQL driver jar in Geronimo.

  1. Create an entry in the Geronimo repository to identify the drivers for Hipersonic. For this example we created <geronimo_home>\repository*org.hsqldb.Server\jars*. Note we created two directories.
  2. Locate the HSQL driver jar hsqldb.jar. This file is located in the <jboss_home>\server\default\lib directory. Make a copy of this file and rename it to hsqldb-1.8.0.jar.
  3. Copy the renamed file to the repository entry you created before, <geronimo_home>\repository\org.hsqldb.Server\jars. Failing to rename the file before copying it into the repository will cause Geronimo to throw an exception because can not read the file name format. The driver file name has to be versioned.

Go back to the Geronimo Administration Console and click on the Database Pools link. From the Database Pools portlet click on Import from JBoss 4. In the Step 1 of Importing the Database Pools specify the location of the -ds.xml file and click *Next.

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Once the JBoss specific datasource is loaded, Step 2 lists the database pools the wizard was able to recognize from the hsqldb-ds.xml file. Click on Confirm and Deploy.

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The following step allows you to edit the recognized database pool. In this step you will have to specify the driver jar you declared when updating the Geronimo repository. See how Driver JAR: is listed in the following figure.

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Click on Test Connection to verify you entered all the necessary data and Geronimo can establish a connection.

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Click on Deploy, this will take you to the same page you saw in Step 2. If you would have more pools defined in the file you could repeat these steps and selectively import some of the database pools. Since we only have one in this example you may click on Finish to complete the import wizard.

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You should now see the imported DefaultDS database pool.

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Import database pools from WebLogic 8.1
