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Global HR Settings are a collection of screens you can use to customize some of the drop-down list that appear in the HR App. In general, a user must have "administrator" or "create privileges" to make changes to Global Settings. Data is loaded into the Global HR Settings when you use the ant task load-demo or load-seed.

Customization of entries in drop-down list that are not supported in the Global HR Settings feature can be made by an administrator using Web Tools .

Skill Groups

Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Global HR Settings > Skill Groups


This screen is used to create, edit and delete the skill groups used in the Skills feature. Your company employees, contract workers and partners may have hundreds of different of skills. Skill groups let you organize these skills so they are manageable. This is helpful for reporting on your companies skill inventory or searching for resources with the skills needed for a job. You can search for skills and assign skills to people and organizations in the Skills feature. You can manage the skills of a person or organization in their profile, see the Employee Skills feature.


  • Skill Group - A name describing a group of skills.

  • Description - A user defined detailed description of the skill group.


  • Create button: Click to save a new skill group. The screen is refreshed and the new skill group is displayed in the Skill Group List.

  • Delete button: Click to delete a skill group. The skill group is deleted and can not be restored. All skills must be removed from the skill group before it can be deleted.

  • Update button: Saves any changes made to any of the descriptions in the skill group list.



Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Global HR Settings > Skill Groups Click Skills menu item.


This screen is used to create, edit and delete skills used in the Skills feature and Edit Employees Skills screenlet. Skills are associated with people and organizations. This screen lets you define them so everyone in the company has the same understanding of what is expected a resource that has the skill. Each skill must belong to a skill group. The skill group "Other" can be used if no group applies to a skill and you do not want to create a new skill group.


  • Skill - A name describing the skill.

  • Description - A user defined detailed description of the skill.


  • Create button: Click to save a new skill. The screen is refreshed.

  • Delete button: Click to delete a skill. The skill is deleted and can not be restored. A skill can not be deleted if it is assigned to a person or organization.

  • Update button: Saves any changes made to any of the descriptions in the skill list.



Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Global HR Settings > Click the Responsibility Types menu item


This screen is used to create, edit and delete the responsibility types used to add a responsibility to a Position. Responsibility is assigned to positions so that stake holders can clearly see the position's scope.


  • Responsibility Type Id - A required unique identifier for the Responsibility Type. If one is not entered a numeric id will be created.

  • Description - A user defined description of the type.


  • Create button: Click to save the Responsibility Type. The screen is refreshed. If no id was entered the system generated numeric id is created and displayed.



    You must clear or change the Responsibility TypeId from the text box before you can create another responsibility. If you do not do this you will get a duplicate id error message.

  • Delete button: Click to delete the Responsibility Type. The Responsibility Type is deleted and can not be restored.

  • Submit button: Saves any changes made to any of the descriptions in the list above the Submit button.



Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Global HR Settings > Click the Termination Reasons menu item


Termination Reasons are used by employments to track terminations for analysis they are used in the Employments feature.


  • Termination Reason Id - A required unique identifier for the Termination Reason. If one is not entered a numeric id will be created.

  • Description - A user defined description of the type.


  • Create button: Click to save the Termination Reason. The screen is refreshed. If no id was entered the system generated numeric id is displayed

  • Delete button: Click to delete the Termination Reason. The Termination Reason is deleted and can not be restored.

  • Submit button: Saves any changes made to any of the descriptions in the list above the Submit button.




Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Global HR Settings > Termination Types


Termination Types are used by employments to track terminations for analysis see usage in the Employments feature for usage.


  • Termination Type Id - A required unique identifier for the Termination Type. If one is not entered a numeric id will be created.

  • Description - A user defined description of the type.


  • Create button: Click to save the Termination Types. The screen is refreshed. If no id was entered the system generated numeric id is displayed

  • Delete button: Click to delete the Termination Types. The Termination Reason is deleted and can not be restored.

  • Submit button: Saves any changes made to any of the descriptions in the list above the Submit button.


The position type is used to categorize Positions . This is straight forward and the examples Programmer, System Administrator and Business Analyst form the demo data are a good demonstration of the intended usage. Each position type has a schedule of rates that can be offered to a applicant for a position.

There are two methods for defining the schedule. The first is built around a rate amount. The second uses Pay Grades, which are defined in the Pay Grade feature.

The two methods are exclusive. If you use one for a position type, you can not use the other.

Using the Rate Amount Schedule

Each position type may have one or more associated rate types. Rate type is identified by its rate type id, a description of the rate type, time period and from thru dates. Each combination of rate type and time period has a rate amount.

Available rate types are Standard Rate, Discounted Rate, Overtime Rate, Average Pay Rate, Highest Pay Rate, and Lowest Pay Rate.

Available time periods are Fiscal Year, Fiscal Quarter, Fiscal Month, Fiscal Week, Fiscal Bi-Week, Sales Quarter, Sales Month, Rate amount per Hour, Rate amount per Week, Rate amount per month, and Rate amount per Quarter.

This sounds very complex but the example below, of a rate schedule for a business analyst, should help to make it clear:

Position TypeRate Type IdPeriod Type IdRate Amount
Business AnalystStandard RateFiscal Year65,000
 Standard RateRate amount per Hour40.00
 Discounted RateFiscal Year60,000
 Discounted RateRate amount per Hour38.50
 Highest Pay RateFiscal Year75,000
 Highest Pay RateRate amount per Hour75.00
 Lowest Pay RateFiscal Year55,000
 Lowest Pay RateRate amount per Hour35.00

Any of the rate amounts could be offered to a person taking the position of Business Analyst.

Only one record from the schedule is used at a time for computing the employees actual pay.

Using Pay Grades

The pay grade method is more rigidly structured then the rate amount method described above. A pay grade schedule, created in Pay Grades , is used in place of a schedule like the one shown above. There can be one or more pay grade schedules. Each has a name and an ordered set of salary steps. Each step has an amount.

Here is a sample pay grade schedule:

Pay Grade NameSalary Step Sequence Id 
Grade 110000500

A position type is associated with a single row of the schedule using the Pay Grade Name and Step Sequence Id.

Usage Difference Between Rate Amount Schedule and Pay Grades

When using Rate Amount enter a value in the Rate Amount field and omit values in the Pay Grade Id and Salary Step Sequence Id fields.

When using Pay Grades enter values in Pay Grade Id and Salary Step Sequence Id fields but leave the Rate Amount empty.

Enter values in the Rate Type Id, Period Type Id and Rate Currency Uom Id for both methods.

Position Types group positions for reporting.



Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Global HR Settings > Position Types


Position types are used in the Employee Position feature. Use the Position Types screen to create a Position Type, search for an existing Position Type and delete position types. Selecting a position type from the list opens the Edit Position Type screen.

Field Search Options

  • Empl Position Type Id - The drop-down list displays the descriptions of the position types. The default is to select all position types. If a selection is made only a single position will be returned. (If two position types have the same description the description will appear twice in the list but only the item selected will be returned).

  • Parent Type Id - Enter the parent type id to filter on the children of the parent.

  • Has Table - This field is not used an can be ignored.

  • Description - Enter all or part of the description. Unlike the case in Empl Position Type Id where only one of two or more identical descriptions are returned, here all the records matching the description will be returned.

Field Search Results

  • Position Types - This is the Empl Position Type Id, the unique identifier of the type.

  • Description - A user defined description of the type.


  • Find button: Click for a list of position types. Displays the list of in the Search Results screenlet.

  • Delete button: Click to delete the Employee Position Type. The Employee Position Type is deleted and can not be restored



Breadcrumbs - Human Resources > Global HR Settings > Position Types

Click New Position Type

Usage: Create a new position type.


  • Empl Position Type Id - A required unique identifier for the Position Type. If one is not entered a numeric id will be created.

  • Parent Type Id - Enter the Empl Position Type Id of the position type that will be the parent of this entry. This will form a tree structure that could be used for roll up reporting.

  • Has Table - Field is not used and can be ignored.

  • Description - Required. Enter a user defined description for the type.

Actions: Click Create to a new Position Type.

From here you would typically click Position Type Rate on the menu and enter a rate schedule for the position.



Breadcrumbs - Human Resources > Global HR Settings > Position Types

Using Search Options find a position type

In Search Results click on a value in the Position Type column.

The Edit Position Types screen opens

Usage: Update a position type.


  • Empl Position Type Id - The unique identifier of the position type. Can not be changed.

  • Parent Type Id - Enter or change the Empl Position Type Id of the position type that will be the parent of this entry.

  • Field is not used and can be ignored.

  • Description - Required. You man change the user defined description for the type. The field can not be made empty.

Action Click Update to save changes.

To leave the screen without saving changes click on any menu item. The changes will be lost.



Breadcrumbs - Human Resources > Global HR Settings > Position Types > Click Position Type Rate menu item


Create a rate schedule for a Position Type using either the Rate Amount or Pay Grade features (See discussion in Position Type Introduction).



When you enter a rate in the HR App it is has its position type field set. Rates can be entered in other OFBiz Apps set to a party id instead of the position.

In Project Manager > Resources Click the button in the Resource Name column > Rates, rates are assigned to a project member who is a person. These rates are used in calculating invoices to a client in a service organization scenario. Rates are managed in the same way in SCRUM Application > My Profile > Rates

You can manage rates by people or position types in Accounting > Global GL Settings > Rates.



  • Rate Type Id - Select one of Standard Rate, Discounted Rate, Overtime Rate, Average Pay Rate, Highest Pay Rate, or Lowest Pay Rate.

  • Period Type Id - Select one of Fiscal Year, Fiscal Quarter, Fiscal Month, Fiscal Week, Fiscal Bi-Week, Sales Quarter, Sales Month, Rate amount per Hour, Rate amount per Week, Rate amount per month, or Rate amount per Quarter

  • Rate Amount - Enter a rate amount if your are creating a Rate Amount schedule. The Rate Amount is the numeric amount to be paid for a Rate Type in a Time Period, in a Currency. Leave this field blank if your are using a Pay Grade schedule

  • Pay Grade Id - The unique identifier for a Pay Grade. Click on the Search Form icon to lookup Pay Grade Ids

  • Salary Step Sequence Id - The sequence identifier that is associated with a Salary Step amount.

  • Rate Currency Uom Id - The currency the employee will be paid in.


  • Create - Click Update to save changes.

  • Delete - Click to remove the Rate form the rate list. The causes the rates thru date to be set so it is no longer displayed. The rate remains in the data store for reporting and audit.

Employee Leave Type has a menu with items for Leave Type and Reason Type.


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Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Global HR Settings > Employee Leave Type > Leave Type


This screen is used to create, edit and delete the leave types used in the Leave feature. Leave reason types are used to categorize an assigned employee leave request.


  • Leave Type Id - A required unique identifier for the leave type. If one is not entered a numeric id will be created.

  • Description - A user defined description of the type.


  • Create button: Click to save the leave type. The screen is refreshed. If no id was enter the system generated numeric id is displayed


    Image AddedWarning

    You must clear or change the Leave Type Id from the text box before you can create another leave type. If you do not do this you will get a duplicate id error message.

  • Delete button: Click to delete the skill type. The skill type is deleted and can not be restored.

  • Submit button: Saves any changes made to any of the descriptions in the list above the Submit button.


Image Added


Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Global HR Settings > Employee Leave Type > Reason Type


This screen is used to create, edit and delete the leave reason types used in the Leave feature. Leave types are used to categorize an assigned employee leave request.


  • Leave Type Id - A required unique identifier for the reason type. If one is not entered a numeric id will be created.

  • Description - A user defined description of the type.


  • Create button: Click to save the reason type. The screen is refreshed. If no id was entered the system generated numeric id is displayed.

  • Delete button: Click to delete the reason type. The reason type is deleted and can not be restored.

  • Submit button: Saves any changes made to any of the descriptions in the list above the Submit button.

Image AddedTip

If you create more then one Leave Type you must manually clear the Leave Type Id or you will get an error.

The Pay Grades set up here are used in the Employee Position Type feature with Pay Grade style position pay schedules.


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Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Global HR Settings > Pay Grades

Usage: Use the Pay Grades screen to create a new Pay Grade, search for an existing Pay Grades and view a list of Pay Grades. When the screen opens the first 20 Pay Grades are displayed in the Search Results. Use Search Options to refine the search.

Each Pay Grade contains a list of Salary Steps. Each step advances the salary by a fixed amount.

Typically this method of defining a workers pay is used in highly structured organizations like civil service jobs in the US. A job has a pay grade and the worker rises through the steps of the pay grade by well defined rules. The rules linked to years of service, education level or some other fact based criteria. For example a teacher may start in Pay Grade For Teacher Salary Step 1. After 3 year on the job or completing additional training the teacher is advanced to Salary Step 2.


  • Pay Grade Id - A unique identifier for the Pay Grade

  • Pay Grade Name - A user created name describing the pay grade.

  • Comments - A user defined description for the pay grade.


  • New Pay Grade button: Click open the screen to create a new Pay Grade.

  • Find button: Click for a list of Pay Grades. Displays a list of Pay Grades in the Search Results screenlet.

  • Pay Grade Id text link: Opens the Edit Pay Grade screenlet.

  • Delete button: Click to delete the Pay Grade. The item is deleted and can not be restored.


    Image AddedNote

    All Salary Steps must be deleted before the Pay Grade can be deleted.


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Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Global HR Settings > Pay Grades > Click New Pay Grade

Usage - Create a Pay Grade


  • Pay Grade Id - Unique Id for the pay grade. May be user entered or if empty the system will generate sequence number.

  • Pay Grade Name - User entered text description of the pay grade.

  • Comments - User entered additional information about the pay grade.

Action Create button: Click to create a Pay Grade. The Salary Steps menu item is displayed. Typically you will click to add steps to the new pay grade.


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Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Click Find > Click Pay GradeID text in Search Results

Usage Update a pay grade.


  • Pay Grade Id - Unique Id for the pay grade. Can not be updated.

  • Pay Grade Name - User entered text description of the pay grade.

  • Comments - User entered additional information about the pay grade.

Action Update button: Click to save changes to a pay grade record


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Breadcrumbs: Human Resources > Click Find > Click Pay GradeID text in Search Results > Click Salary Steps menu item

Usage Add, update and delete salary steps for a pay grade.


  • Date Modified - effective date of a change to a salary step.

  • Amount - Salary amount for the pay grade step


  • Create button: Click to create the salary step.

  • Delete button: Click to delete the salary step. The salary step is deleted and can not be restored

  • Submit button: Click to save changes in the list above.