Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
install file:///home/user/.m2/repository/com/example/myrouter/1.0/myrouter-1.0.jar
start <your-bundle-id>

Auto-configured consumer and producer templates


KuraRouter utilities 

 Kura router base class provides many useful utilities. This section explores each of those.

SLF4J logger

Code Block
public class InvoiceProcessorMyKuraRouter extends KuraRouter {

  private ProducerTemplate producerTemplate;

  private ConsumerTemplate consumerTemplate;
  public void processNextInvoiceconfigure() {
throws    Invoice invoice = consumerTemplate.receiveBody("jms:invoices", Invoice.class);
    producerTemplate.sendBody("netty-http:" +;


By default consumer and producer templates comes with the endpoint cache sizes equal to 1000. You can change that values via the following Spring properties:


camel.springboot.consumerTemplateCacheSize = 100
camel.springboot.producerTemplateCacheSize = 200

Auto-configured TypeConverter

Camel auto-configuration registers TypeConverter instance named typeConverter in the Spring context.

Code Block
public class InvoiceProcessor {

  private TypeConverter typeConverter;

  public long parseInvoiceValue(Invoice invoice) {
    String invoiceValue = invoice.grossValue(Exception {"Configuring Camel routes!");
    return typeConverter.convertTo(Long.class, invoiceValue);


Spring type conversion API bridge








Code Block
public class InvoiceProcessor {

  private TypeConverter typeConverter;

  public UUID parseInvoiceId(Invoice invoice) {
    // Using Spring's StringToUUIDConverter
    UUID id = invoice.typeConverter.convertTo(UUID.class, invoice.getId());



Under the hood Camel Spring Boot delegates conversion to the Spring's ConversionService instances available in the application context. If no ConversionService instance is available, Camel Spring Boot auto-configuration will create one for you.

Disabling type conversions features

If you don't want Camel Spring Boot to register type-conversions related features (like TypeConverter instance or Spring bridge) set the camel.springboot.typeConversion property to false.


camel.springboot.typeConversion = false


Code Block
public class MyKuraRouter extends KuraRouter

Fat jars and fat wars

The easiest way to create Camel-aware Spring Boot fat jar/war is to extend the org.apache.camel.spring.boot.FatJarRouter class...


Code Block
package com.example;
... // imports
public class MyFatJarRouter extends FatJarRouter {

    public void configure() throws Exception {
		ServiceReference<MyService> serviceRef       from("netty-http:").

    String helloWorld() {
        return "helloWorld";



...and add the following property to your file:



spring.main.sources = com.example.MyFatJarRouter

It is also recommended to define your main class explicitly in the Spring Boot Maven plugin configuration: 



In order to turn your fat jar into fat war, add the following class extending  org.apache.camel.spring.boot.FatWarInitializer to your project:




= bundleContext.getServiceReference(LogService.class.getName());
		MyService myService = content.getService(serviceRef);




Include Page
Endpoint See Also
Endpoint See Also