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The Mirror Maker has a potential dataloss data loss issue as explained below:


The new mirror maker design is trying to solve the above issue as well as enhance the the mirror maker with the following features.

1.Currently Mirror Maker does not ensure the topics in source and target clusters have same partitions, which is required in many cases.Finer control over the target partition.

2.Poten2.Sometimes it is useful for Mirror Maker to do some simple process on messages (filter, message format change, etc.)


The new mirror maker is designed based on new consumer.

Public Interfaces

The following interface change will be made to mirror maker.



  • .loss - to automatically apply all the necessary configurations in order to maker sure no data loss.
  • --consumer.rebalance.listener - to allow user to wire in a custom rebalance listener which implements ConusmerRebalanceCallback interface. An internal rebalance listener which implements ConsumerRebalanceCallback is wired in by default to avoid duplicates on consumer rebalance. User could still specify a custom listener class in command line argument. The internal rebalance listener will call that custom listener after it finishes the default logic.


  • --


  • consumer.rebalance.


  • listener.args - to provide arguments to custom rebalance listener constructor.
  • --message.handler - to allow user do some simple process on the messages (e.g. filtering, reformatting, etc)
  • --message.handler.args - to provide arguments

Proposed Changes

Image RemovedImage Added

  • Each mirror maker thread consume messages, process them and then send them.
  • Scale by creating more mirror maker thread.

Each mirror maker thread has a consumer instance associated with it, the thread will be responsible for decompression, message handling, compression and offset commit. All mirror maker threads share a producer.

The only source of truth for offsets is target cluster. The offsets should only be committed after having received the confirmation from the target cluster. For the new producer, the confirmation is the ACK from target cluster.In that sense the consumer's offsets auto-commits should be turned off, and the offsets will be committed after a future associated with a message is received.

Whether message handler will be added is still under discussion. The benefit is that with this small add-on, user can chose to do some work such as filtering/reformatting in the pipeline once rather than do that in each client for multiple times. The downside of adding the message handler is that it is more or less an addition to the basic mirror maker function.

Offset commit

Each mirror maker thread maintains the consumer offsets for the partitions they are consuming from and commit the offsets periodically. Because the consumer offset is committed per SourcePartition/ConsumerGroup. A Map[TopicPartition, UnackedOffsetList] will be needed to track the offsets that is ready for commit.

Theoretically, we can just use a Map[SourceTopicPartition/TargetTopicPartition, AckedOffset], but in some scenarios, that might not work well. For example, if we have messages 1,2,3,4,5 from a source partition 1, message 1,2,4,5 are produced to destination partition 1, and message 3 is produced to destination partition 2. If we just use a Map[SourceTopicPartition/TargetTopicPartition, AckedOffset], it would hold { [(SourceTopicPartition=1, TargetTopicParitition=1),5], [(SourceTopicPartition=1, TargetTopicParitition=2),3] }. From the map itself, we cannot tell whether message 4 has been acked or not. And if there is no more message sent to target partition 2, the offset for source partition 1 will block on 3 forever.

periodically following a flush() call on producer.

The mirror maker thread logic is as below.

Code Block
while (!shutdown) {
	val records = consumer.poll(timeout)
	for (record <- records) {
		val handledRecords = messageHandler.handle(record)
    if (System.currentMilliSeconds - lastOffsetCommitMs > offsetCommitIntervalMs) {

Offset commit

Each mirror maker thread periodically flush() all the messages in producer and then commit offsetsThe UnackedOffsetList is a raw linked list that keep the messages offsets per source partition in the same order as they are sent by producer. An offset will be removed from the list when its ack is received. The offset commit thread always commit the smallest offset in the list (which is not acked yet).

No data loss option

A no data loss option is provided with the following settings:


A new consumerRebalanceListener needs to be added to make sure there is no duplicates when consumer rebalance occurs. The callback beforeReleasingPartitions will be invoked  on consumer rebalance. It should

1. wait until the producer drains all remaining messagescall producer.flush

2. commit the offsets

Ensure same partition number in source and target topics

Each consumer will have a local topic cache that records the topics it has ever seen.

When new topic is created in source cluster, consumer rebalance will be triggered. In the ConsumerRebalanceCallback:onPartitionAssigned:

For consumer that consumes partition 0 of a topic:

    1. Check the topic in both source and target cluster to see if it is a new topic.
    2. If new topic is detected, create the topic with the same partition number in target cluster as in source cluster

For consumers that saw topics that does not exist in local topic cache:

    1. Wait until the topic is seen on target cluster.

When a partition expansion occurs, consumer rebalance will also be triggered. Above approach does not take care of this case.

Message handler in consumer thread
