Versions Compared


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# Start in shell mode
bin/ --shell --broker-list <host1 : port1>
Connected to Kafka Controller at <host2 : port2>.

kafka> create-topic --topic my_topic --partitions 5 --replication-factor 3
Topic "my_topic" is created.

kafka> alter-topic --topic my_topic --partitions 10
Topic "my_topic" is changed.
# Switch topic context
kafka> topic my_topic
Switched to "my_topic" topic.

# Execute topic command for switched topic
kafka my_topic> describe-topic
"my-topic" details:
Topic: my_topic Partitions: 10 ...

# Switch off topic context
kafka my_topic> topic

Open questions:

  1. Extension Extensions to TopicMetadaRequest were also proposed in KIP-11 - it probably makes sense to sync our changes.
  2. It is proposed to create a separate ticket to rework topic command to execute commands directly by the controller instead of using zookeeper admin path to notify controller about the change (follow-up ticket KAFKA-1776).

Compatibility, Deprecation, and Migration Plan
