Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Grab the latest Source
  2. Change the version number:
    Code Block
    change version in all poms
    change version in geronimo-1.0xml files
    change version in geronimo-1.1
    change version in tooling/--archetypes--distributions/apache-servicemix/src/main/release/resourcebin/archetype-resources/pom.xmlsmx-arch(.bat)

Also add the new version to the version list in these files.

  1. Let Maven build, test, package, and deploy the binaries
    Code Block
    mvn -NDprofile=step1 install
    cd tooling
    mvn install
    cd ..mvn -Dprofile=step2 install
    mvn -DperformRelease=true deploy -Dgpg.passphrase=xxx -DaltDeploymentRepository=yyy install gpg:sign site:site deploy site:deploy
    where yyy has the following syntax for example:
    Code Block
  1. Tag the release using your local workspace to a new SERVICEMIX_X_Y label
    Code Block
    svn mkdir -m "ServiceMix X.Y Release"
    svn copy . -m "ServiceMix X.Y Release"
  2. Check that the binaries look fine.
