Versions Compared


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  • The route models (definition classes) preserve property placeholders, which allows round trip editing, and also prevents showing potential sensitive information
  • Added onPrepareFailure option to Dead Letter Channel to allow a custom processor to prepare the Exchange before sending to the dead letter queue.
  • MongoDB tailable consumers now allow setting the readPreference option.
  • Using setFaultBody / setFaultHeader behaves similar to setBody / setHeader to preserve existing headers/attachments by setting on existing IN or OUT message.
  • Java DSL using choice with end vs endChoice now validates you use them as intended. Any misconfiguration now throws an exception explaining the problem.
  • POJO Producing and POJO Consuming lifecycle is now in sync with CamelContext which ensures it works as similar to Camel Routes does. Also the created producer/consumer is stopped when CamelContext is stopping to cleanup properly.
  • JMS component now allows configuring concurrentConsumers/maxConcurrentConsumers separately between from(jms) vs to(jms) using request/reply over JMS
  • Added SEARCH operation to Elasticsearch component
  • The Properties component (property placeholder) now supports an encoding option to allow reading the .properties files using a specific charset such as UTF-8. By default ISO-8859-1 is used (latin1)
  • Added receviveBufferSize option to the FTP component to make download faster. The size is by default 32kb buffer.
  • The Aggregator2 EIP now allows an external source using a AggregateController to control the aggregator, such as for forcing completing a group or all groups, or query runtime information from the aggregator. A default controller is provided out of the box if none has been configured.
  • The Aggregator2 now enlists in JMX using a ManagedAggregateProcessorMBean which has more information, and also allows using the aggregate controller to control it.
  • The Aggregator2 now includes more runtime statistics which can be accessed from Java and JMX about number of incoming and completed exchanges, and per different completion triggers.
  • Added options to Mail consumer so it can skip or handle a mail message that cannot be read from the mail server in the batch; and then move on to read the next message. This ensures the consumer can deal with mail boxes that has problematic mails that otherwise will cause no mails to be retrieve by the consumer in the batch.

Fixed the following issues:
