Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Protocol Errors

It is proposed to add these error codes to the protocol.




1001Target broker is not serving a controller's role.For all Admin requests
TopicAlreadyExists1002Topic with this name already exists.CreateTopicRequest
InvalidArgumentPartitions1003Either partition field is invalid (e.g. negative), or not defined when needed.CreateTopicRequest, AlterTopicRequest
DecreasePartitionsNotAllowed1004Invalid partitions argument: decreasing partitions is prohibited.AlterTopicRequest
InvalidArgumentReplicationFactor1005Either replication-factor field is invalid (e.g. negative), or not defined when needed.CreateTopicRequest
InvalidArgumentReplicaAssignment1006Either replication-factor field is invalid (e.g. contains duplicates), or not defined when needed.

CreateTopicRequest, AlterTopicRequest,

ReassignPartitionsRequest, VerifyReassignPartitionsRequest


Either topic-level config setting or value is incorrect.

CreateTopicRequest, AlterTopicRequest
PreferredReplicaLeaderElectionInProgress1008Preferred replica leader election procedure has been already started.PreferredReplicaLeaderElectionRequest
InvalidArgumentPreferredReplicaElectionData1009Preferred replica leader election data is in invalid (bad json, duplicates etc).PreferredReplicaLeaderElectionRequest
ReassignPartitionsInProgress1010Reassign partitions procedure has been already started.ReassignPartitionsRequest

Generally, the Admin Client (see section 3) or another request dispatcher should have enough context to provide descriptive error message.

TopicMetadata_V1 Schema

[1] On start up admin client will be provided with a list of Kafka cluster brokers. It's a client responsibility to define a controller location to send Admin requests to a correct node then.

Currently there is no way to locate controller with existing Wire Protocol messages. It's proposed to extend TopicMetadataRequest to version 1 for these purposes, since it already contains broker list.

Topic Metadata Request

TopicMetadataRequest remains unchanged comparing to version V0.


TopicMetadataRequest_V1 => [TopicName]
  TopicName => string


Topic Metadata Response
TopicMetadataResponse will be enriched to include controller field.


TopicMetadataResponse_V1 => Controller [Broker][TopicMetadata]
Controller => Broker
Broker => NodeId Host Port  (any number of brokers may be returned)
    NodeId => int32
    Host => string
    Port => int32
  TopicMetadata => TopicErrorCode TopicName [PartitionMetadata]
    TopicErrorCode => int16
  PartitionMetadata => PartitionErrorCode PartitionId Leader Replicas Isr
    PartitionErrorCode => int16
    PartitionId => int32
    Leader => int32
    Replicas => [int32]
    Isr => [int32]


Topic Admin Schema

The idea is to introduce Wire protocol messages that cover all topic commands (create, alter, delete, list, describe). The motivation behind the proposed schema is the following:

1) Topic commands must inherit options from TopicCommand tool

2) If some of the options are not used in particular command (e.g. ReplicaAssignment in CreateTopicRequest) - the special marker value is used instead (e.g. in case of ReplicaAssignment - empty string)

3) Topic commands must support batching and provide command execution result per-topic

4) Topic commands are asynchronous - the request to create/alter/delete just initiates the corresponding commands and returns immediately

5) Topic commands can be executed only on a broker serving a controller's role - in case request is sent to an ordinary broker - a request-level error should reflect that



CreateTopicResponse => ErrorCode [TopicName ErrorCode]
ErrorCode => int16
TopicName => string

CreateTopicResponse is fairly simple - it contains "global" error code (e.g. in case of NotControllerReceivedAdminRequest - see Protocol Errors) and a map between topic and topic creating result. 

Alter Topic Request


AlterTopicRequest => [TopicName Partitions ReplicaAssignment [AddedConfigEntry] [DeletedConfig]]
TopicName => string
Partitions => int32
ReplicaAssignment => string
AddedConfigEntry => ConfigKey ConfigValue
 ConfigKey => string
 ConfigValue => string
 DeletedConfig => string
AlterTopicRequest is similar to previous, to specify topic level settings that should be removed, use DeletedConfig array (just setting keys). User can provide new partitions value, replica assignment or both.

This table defines values that will be used to denote "no value":

ReplicaAssignment"" (empty string)


Alter Topic Response


AlterTopicResponse => ErrorCode [TopicName ErrorCode]
ErrorCode => int16
TopicName => string

AlterTopicResponse is similar to CreateTopicResponse.
Delete Topic Request


DeleteTopicRequest => [TopicName]
TopicName => string
DeleteTopicRequest requires only topic names which should be deleted.
Delete Topic Response


DeleteTopicResponse => ErrorCode [TopicName ErrorCode]
ErrorCode => int16
TopicName => string

DeleteTopicResponse is similar to CreateTopicResponse.

Describe Topic Request


DescribeTopicRequest => [TopicName]
TopicName => string
DescribeTopicRequest requires only topic names.
Describe Topic Response


DescribeTopicResponse => ErrorCode [TopicName ErrorCode TopicDescription]
ErrorCode => int16
TopicName => string
TopicDescription => TopicName TopicConfigDetails [TopicPartitionDetails]
TopicName => string
TopicConfigDetails => Partitions ReplicationFactor [ConfigEntry]
Partitions => int32
ReplicationFactor => int32
ConfigEntry => string string
TopicPartitionsDetails => PartitionId ?(Leader) [Replica] [ISR]
PartitionId => int32
Leader => int32
Replica => int32
ISR => int32


DescribeTopicResponse besides errorCode which is used in the same way as in previous messages, holds optional (non empty if execution was successful) TopicDescription structure per topic. See table below for details:




A structure that holds basic replication details.


Number of partitions in give topic.


Topic-level setting and value which was overridden.


List describing replication details for each partition.


Id of the partition.

LeaderOptional broekr-leader id for the described partition.
ReplicasList of broker ids serving a replica's role for the partition.
ISRSame as replicas but includes only brokers that are known to be "in-sync"

In case of error TopicDescription field will be returned in response with default values.

List Topics Request


ListTopicsRequest =>
ListTopicsRequest is a request with no arguments.
List Topics Response


ListTopicsResponse => ErrorCode [TopicName]
ErrorCode => int16
TopicName => string

ListTopicsResponse besides errorCode holds a list of topics in Kafka cluster.

Replication Commands Schema

Reassign Partitions
Reassign Partitions Request


ReassignPartitionRequest => ManualAssignment[Topic PartitionId [ReplicaId]]
Topic ManualAssignment => string
PartitionId => int32
ReplicaId => int32

ReassignPartitionsRequest requires manual partition assignment string. Parsing / validation - partition to array of replicas mapping. Validation for partition / replicas existence is done on server. This request will only initiate partition reassignment and return immediately. It is client's responsibility to block the user continually sending VerifyReassignPartitionsRequest to check reassignment status. The format is the following:


"partitions": [

{"topic": "foo",
 "partition": 1,
 "replicas": [1,2,3] }


Status of the ReassignPartitionRequest can be checked with VerifyReassignParitionRequest.

Reassign Partitions Response


ReassignPartitionResponse => ErrorCode

ReassignPartitionResponse holds just an error code holds just an error code, non-empty if reassignment may not be started (e.g. due to validation error).

Verify Reassign Partitions Request


VerifyReassignPartitionRequest => ManualAssignment
[Topic PartitionId [ReplicaId]]
Topic => string
PartitionId => int32
ReplicaId => int32
VerifyReassignPartitionsRequest requires manual partition assignment string as with ReassignPartitionsRequest which status is verified by this request- partition to array of replicas mapping - the same as for ReassignPartitionsRequest, to check whether reassignment is completed and new assignment matches requested.
Verify Reassign Partitions Response


VerifyReassignPartitionResponse => ErrorCode [ReasignmnetResult]
ErrorCode => int16
ReasignmnetResult => TopicAndPartition ResultCode
TopicAndPartition => string int32
 ResultCode => int16

VerifyReassignPartitionResponse as with other Admin request may returns an error code and a reassignment result map. It holds reassignment status (-1 - reassignment failed, 0 - in progress, 1 - completed successfully).

Preferred Replica Leader Election
Preferred Replica Leader Election Request


PreferredReplicaLeaderElectionRequest => [Topic PartitionId]
Topic =>
PartitionsSerialized PartitionId => stringint32
PreferredReplicaLeaderEleactionRequest initiates preferred replica leader election procedure, similar to ReassignPartitionsRequest this request in intended to be non-blocking. The schema consist of one optional field - partitions in serialized form (json) array of partitions for which procedure preferred replica leader should be started. The format is the following:


{"topic": "foo", "partition": 1},
{"topic": "foobar", "partition": 2}



To start preferred replica leader election procedure for all existing partition an empty string partitions array should be send in requestsent.

Preferred Replica Leader Election Response


PreferredReplicaLeaderElectionResponse => ErrorCode
ErrorCode => int16


PreferredReplicaLeaderElectionResponse is similar to ReassignPartitionsResponse.

Status of the procedure may be checked with DescribeTopicRequest  - the head of replicas list field and leader broker should be the same.
