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From Java code you can use the type safe methods from camel-jackson module:

Code Block
JacksonDataFormat df = new JacksonDataFormat(MyPojo.class);

Converting Maps to POJO using Jackson

Jackson ObjectMapper can be used to convert maps to POJO objects. Jackson component comes with the data converter that can be used to convert java.util.Map instance to non-String, non-primitive and non-Number objects.

Code Block
Map<String, Object> invoiceData = new HashMap<String, Object>();
invoiceData.put("netValue", 500);
producerTemplate.sendBody("direct:mapToInvoice", invoiceData);
// Later in the processor
Invoice invoice = exchange.getIn().getBody(Invoice.class);

If there is a single ObjectMapper instance available in the Camel registry, it will used by the converter to perform the conversion. Otherwise the default mapper will be used.  

Formatted JSON marshalling (pretty-printing)
