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Once all the sources get checked out the next step is to build Daytrader. Daytrader requires Maven 2 for building the binaries.

From the <daytrader_home> directory run the following command.


By default Daytrader requires a database to be created using the embedded Derby database that is shipped with Geronimo. Typically, the provided deployment plan files are configured to create such database (DaytraderDatabase) on Apache Derby during deployment. Nevertheless, scripts are provided within the <daytrader_home>/bin/dbscripts/derby directory. This section shows you the necessary steps to manually create the DaytraderDatabase.


Daytrader is now ready for testing.


Populating sample data

With the application deployed and started (starts by default when you deploy it) the next step before using Daytrader is to populate sample data to the database we created before. The following steps illustrate how.

  • Access the application pointing your browser to http://localhost:8080/daytrader

  • Click on the Configuration tab.
  • Click on (Re)-populate DayTrader Database to generate the sample data, this will open a new window showing the progress.
    The initial population size consists of 200 accounts and 400 stock quotes. These values can be updated via the "Configure DayTrader run-time parameters" link on the "Configuration" tab.