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  1. Clone the source (If you have not taken a clone prior) code from github (git clone If you have already cloned go to next step.
  2. In your machine go to local folder where Airavata source code is cloned and then do a git pull to make sure you have the latest trunk.
  3. After the above is completed build the source code by executing following maven command;
    mvn clean install
    (Useful Hint: Use mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true to avoid tests and is recommended for first timers.)
  4. Go to folder where Airavata server distribution zip or tar files are residing.
    cd modules/distribution/server/target
  5. Unzip either the tar or zip file of Airavata server distribution using
    tar -xvf apache-airavata-server-0.14-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz
  6. Go to extracted folder
    cd apache-airavata-server-0.14-SNAPSHOT
  7. In folder apache-airavata-server-0.14-SNAPSHOT navigate to the bin and view the file
  8. Update ‘pubilsh.rabbitmq’ property to true in bin/ file. File would then have;
  9. In bin start the Airavata server; 
    (Useful Hint:This may require JAVA_HOME to be defined. Some configurations such as in  bin/zoo.cfg and bin/  may have to be adjusted if some ports are already in use. Ports need to be open as well.)
    sh (This will run the airavata server in the background in demon mode).

    If you are in the target folder use given to start Airavata server;
    sh apache-airavata-server-0.14-SNAPSHOT/bin/ start
  10. Go to apache-airavata-server-0.14-SNAPSHOT/samples/ directory and register sample scripts and local host. by running 
    NOTE: Running above again will result duplication of Applications in database; Multiple applications will appear in the XBaya GUI. 
  11. After starting the AIravata server and registering the sample applications, start XBAYA GUI. Navigate to modules/distribution/xbaya-gui/ and build xbaya
    mvn clean install
  12. Navigate to folder ‘target’ and then extract the xbaya using
    tar -xvf airavata-xbaya-gui-0.14-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz
  13. Go to bin folder in unzipped apache-airavata-xbaya-gui-0.14-SNAPSHOT and navigate to the the bin folder and start xbaya GUI
