Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Code Block
<s:div id="div" />

<!-- With a submitbind tag -->
<s:submit value="Make Request" id="submit" />
<sx:bind highlightColor="blue" highlightDuration="2000" targets="div" sources="submit" events="onclick" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With a submit tag -->
<sx:submit highlightColor="blue" highlightDuration="2000" targets="div" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With an anchor tag -->
<sx:a highlightColor="blue" highlightDuration="2000" targets="div" href="%{#url}" />


Code Block
<script type="text/javascript">
dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/before", function(event, widget){
   alert('inside a topic event. before request');
   //event: event object
   //widget: widget that published the topic

<!-- With a bind tag -->
<s:submit value="Make Request" id="submit" />
<sx:bind beforeNotifyTopics="/before" sources="submit" events="onclick" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With a submit tag -->
<sx:submit beforeNotifyTopics="/before" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With an anchor tag -->
<sx:a beforeNotifyTopics="/before" href="%{#url}" />
Publish a topic


after the request
Code Block
<script type="text/javascript">
dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/after", function(data, request, widget){
   alert('inside a topic event. after request');
   //data : text returned from request
   //request: XMLHttpRequest object
   //widget: widget that published the topic

<!-- With a bind tag -->
<s:submit value="Make Request" id="submit" />
<sx:bind afterNotifyTopics="/after" sources="submit" events="onclick" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With a submit tag -->
<sx:submit afterNotifyTopics="/after" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With an anchor tag -->
<sx:a afterNotifyTopics="/after" href="%{#url}" />
Publish a topic on error
Code Block

<script type="text/javascript">
dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/error", function(error, request, widget){
   alert('inside a topic event. on error');
   //error : error object (error.message has the error message)
   //request: XMLHttpRequest object
   //widget: widget that published the topic

<!-- With a bind tag -->
<s:submit value="Make Request" id="submit" />
<sx:bind errorNotifyTopics="/error" sources="submit" events="onclick" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With a submit tag -->
<sx:submit errorNotifyTopics="/error" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With an anchor tag -->
<sx:a errorNotifyTopics="/error" href="%{#url}" />
Show a fixed error message on error
Code Block

<div id="div" />

<!-- With a bind tag -->
<s:submit value="Make Request" id="submit" />
<sx:bind errorText="Error Loading" targets="div" sources="submit" events="onclick" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With a submit tag -->
<sx:submit errorText="Error Loading" targets="div" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With an anchor tag -->
<sx:a errorText="Error Loading" targets="div" href="%{#url}" />
Prevent a request
Code Block
<script type="text/javascript">
dojo.event.topic.subscribe("/before", function(event, widget){
   alert('I will stop this request');
   event.cancel = true;

<!-- With a bind tag -->
<s:submit value="Make Request" id="submit" />
<sx:bind beforeNotifyTopics="/before" sources="submit" events="onclick" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With a submit tag -->
<sx:submit beforeNotifyTopics="/before" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With an anchor tag -->
<sx:a beforeNotifyTopics="/before" href="%{#url}" />
Submit a form (plain form)
Code Block
<form id="form">
  <input type=textbox name="data">

<!-- With a bind tag -->
<s:submit value="Make Request" id="submit" />
<sx:bind formId="form" sources="submit" events="onclick" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With a submit tag -->
<sx:submit formId="form" href="%{#url}" />

<!-- With an anchor tag -->
<sx:a formId="form" href="%{#url}" />
Submit a form (using s:form tag)
Code Block

<!-- With a submit tag -->
<s:form namespace="/mynamespace" action="MyAction">
  <input type=textbox name="data">
  <sx:submit />

<!-- With an anchor tag -->
<s:form namespace="/mynamespace" action="MyAction">
  <input type=textbox name="data">
  <sx:a />