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These requirements are met by this proposal.

  • Introduce DI Use DI to setup the Roller instance and managers, i.e. manager classes should no longer be hard-coded into the Roller implementation class, instead they should be injected.
    • Enforce singletons, i.e. singletons should have a private constructor.
    • Use constructor injection to ensure that immutable objects remain immutable.
  • Do not change way Roller is configured
    • Do not introduce any additional configuration files for those installing Roller, i.e. don't change the fact that the only customization file users should ever have to touch is
    • Do not introduce any additional configuration files for developers, i.e. developers should not have to deal with any new XML or property files.
    • Maintain the same level of back-end pluggability, i.e. it should still be possible to switch back-end implemenations by setting a single property in the Roller config
  • Enforce singletons, i.e. singletons should have a private constructor.
  • Support immutable objects where appropriate, i.e. once a Roller implementation is created, it should not be possible to switch out the managers for different imlementations
    • .


  • How far should we go with DI in the 4.0 release?
