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TUSCANY: SCA Java Subproject Menu
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TUSCANY: Java SCA Menu New


The Tuscany Java SCA runtime supports the Java Messaging Service using the <binding.jms> SCDL extension. New JMS based service endpoints can be provided using a <binding.jms> element within a SCA <service>, existing JMS queues can be accessed using a <> element within a SCA <reference>.

The JMS binding is one of the SCA extensions which is being formalized in the OASIS Open Composite Services Architecture with a published specifications document.

The JMS binding SCDL has the following format:

Code Block
SCDL Content                                        Supported  Default  Value                                         Feature Implemented
============                                        =========  ==============                                          ===================
<binding.jms correlationScheme="string"?            NO         requestmsgidtocorrelid                                No  
             initialContextFactory="xs:anyURI"?     YES        org.apache.activemq.jndi.ActiveMQInitialContextFactory  
             jndiURL="xs:anyURI"?                   YES        tcp://localhost:61616                                   
             requestConnection="QName"?             NO                                        
             responseConnection="QName"?            NO
             operationProperties="QName"?           NO
             ... >
  <destination name="xs:anyURI"                     YES        NODESTINATION (created from target service when not set)
               type="string"?                       NO         queue
               create="string"?>                    YES        never (set to allways if no destination set)
    <property name="NMTOKEN" type="NMTOKEN">*       NO
  <connectionFactory name="xs:anyURI"               YES        
                     create="string"?>              NO
    <property name="NMTOKEN" type="NMTOKEN">*       NO
  <activationSpec name="xs:anyURI"                  NO
                  create="string"?>                 NO
    <property name="NMTOKEN" type="NMTOKEN">*       NO

    <destination name="xs:anyURI"                   YES
                 type="string"?                     NO
                 create="string"?>                  YES
      <property name="NMTOKEN" type="NMTOKEN">*     NO
    <connectionFactory name="xs:anyURI"             YES
                      create="string"?>             NO
      <property name="NMTOKEN" type="NMTOKEN">*     NO
    <activationSpec name="xs:anyURI"                NO
                    create="string"?>               NO
      <property name="NMTOKEN" type="NMTOKEN">*     NO

  <resourceAdapter name="NMTOKEN">?
      <property name="NMTOKEN" 
    <property name="NMTOKEN" type="NMTOKEN">*       NO

  <headers JMSType="string"?                        NO
           JMSCorrelationId="string"?               NO
           JMSDeliveryMode="string"?                NO
           JMSTimeToLive="int"?                     YES
           JMSPriority="string"?>                   YES
    <property name="NMTOKEN" type="NMTOKEN">*

  <operationProperties name="string"                NO
                       nativeOperation="string"?>   NO
    <property name="NMTOKEN" type="NMTOKEN">*       NO
    <headers JMSType="string"?                      NO
             JMSCorrelationId="string"?             NO
             JMSDeliveryMode="string"?              NO
             JMSTimeToLive="int"?                   NO
             JMSPriority="string"?>                 NO
      <property name="NMTOKEN" type="NMTOKEN">*     NO

(question) see JMS Binding S Vpecification 1.0 for deatils of each of these configuration options.

Binding Operation


Some examples:

From the binding.jms module tests.

Code Block