Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


id - id of entry
name - name of entry
shibname - for affiliations using shibboleth - the name of the shibboleth affiliation (the part after @ in eduPersonScopedAffiliation)
dataUpdateText - this will be displayed on the User Preferences->Personal Information page to provide information on how to update things other than Preferred Name in that box
sitewwwaddress - URL for login page for this affiliation; typically it is just the URL encoded parameters to index.php to have the authentication method already selected (i.e.
helpaddress - support email address for this affiliation
shibonly - 1 if this affiliation can only be authenticated via shibboleth, 0 if LDAP is also set up
theme - name of theme to be used when displaying the site for users of this affiliation; must match something under the themes directory in the web code

blockComputers table

This table tracks which computers have been allocated to individual block allocation time slots.


id - id of entry
name - name of entry
imageid - reference to
numMachines - number of machines to preload for this block allocation
groupid - reference to - user group that will have access to machines in this block allocation
repeating - enum field - weekly, monthly, or list - how this block allocation repeats
ownerid - reference to - owner of the block allocation
admingroupid - reference to - (to be deprecated in 2.3) - user group that can modify this block allocation
managementnodeid - reference to - management node that is to process this block allocation
expireTime - last date and time of block allocation time slots
processing - flag used by vcld to determine if a vcld process is processing this block allocation
status - enum field - requested, accepted, completed, reject - current status of the block allocation
comments - any comments entered by the person that requested the block allocation


id - id of entry
logid - reference to
start - change to start time of reservation
userid - user that triggered this update to the reservation (needed for server reservations where someone other than the owner of the reservation can update it)
reservationid - id of the reservation entry that was updated
start - change to start time of reservation
end - change to end time of reservation
computerid - reference to - change to computer assigned to reservation
remoteIP - change to remote IP of reservation user
wasavailable - mostly deprecated - if submitted change to start/end time of reservation was available for use or not
timestamp - datetime entry was added
other -

clickThroughs table

This table logs click through agreements users must agree to when they create images.


id - id of entry
stateid - reference to - current state of computer
ownerid - reference to - owner of computer
platformid - reference to - platform of computer
scheduleid - reference to - schedule of computer
currentimageid - reference to - image currently loaded on computer
nextimageid - reference to - image to be loaded next on computer, only used under certain circumstances
imagerevisionid - reference to - image revision currently loaded on computer (somewhat redundant with currentimageid)
RAM - amount of RAM physical computer has, or maximum amount of RAM that can be allocated to virtual computer
procnumber - number of processor cores physical computer has, or maximum number of processor cores that can be allocated to virtual computer
procspeed - speed of processor cores in MHz
network - speed of (public?) NIC(s) in Mbps
hostname - private hostname of computer
IPaddress - public IP address
privateIPaddress - private IP address
eth0macaddress - MAC address of private NIC
eth1macaddress - MAC address of public NIC
type - blade, lab, or virtualmachine - type of the computer
provisioningid - reference to - provisioning module/method to be used for computer
drivetype - hda or sda - type of drive in the computer (is this still used?)
deleted - flag to show if computer has been deleted - 1 if deleted, 0 if not
datedeleted - date computer was flagged as deleted
notes - any notes entered when computer placed into maintenance state
lastcheck - date stamp of last time the computer was checked through
location - physical location of node (Data Center 1, rack 1, etc)
dsa - Not being used. Was planned for storing host keys for ssh
dsapub - Not being used. Was planned for storing host keys for ssh
rsa - Not being used. Was planned for storing host keys for ssh
rsapub - Not being used. Was planned for storing host keys for ssh
host - Not being used. Was planned for storing host keys for ssh
hostpub - Not being used. Was planned for storing host keys for ssh
vmhostid - reference to - only used for virtual machines, this is the host computer of the VM
vmtypeid - reference to - only used for virtual machines, this is the type of the VM (vmware, xen, kvm, etc)
predictivemoduleid - id of predictive module to use for determining what to do with this node at the end of reservations for it

computerloadflow table

This table contains entries that establish a flow of states that are followed when a reservation is being deployed so that users can have feedback on the current reservations page about their reservations.


id - id of entry
loadstatename - short name of state
prettyname - more descriptive name of state
est - estimated time for state in minutes



This table contains records of when users connect to reservations and the IP addresses from which they connect.

id - id of entry
logid - reference to
reservationid - reference to
userid - reference to
remoteIP - IP address of user's remote computer
verified -
timestamp - time at which user connected from rempteIP

connectmethod table

This table contains all of the connect methods available to be assigned to an image. Connect methods all of the connect methods available to be assigned to an image. Connect methods are things like RDP, ssh, VNC, etc.

id - id of entry
name - name of entry
description - description of connect method
protocol - TCP or UDP
port - tcp or udp port number
connecttext - this text will be displayed connecttext - this text will be displayed on the Connect page, there are a few variable substitutions available to be used: #userid#, #password#, #connectIP#, and #connectport#
servicename - name of service to be started to enable connect method on provisioned node
startupscript - name of script to be run to enable connect method on provisioned node


connectmethodid - reference to
OStypeid - reference to - OS type this entry applies to (can be NULL)
OSid - reference to - OS this entry applies to (can be NULL)
imagerevisionid - reference to - image revision this entry applies to (can be NULL)
disabled - flag telling if method is enabled/disabled for combination of OStypeid, OSid, and imagerevisionid
autoprovisioned - NULL, 0, or 1 - flag to tell if this connect method can be autoprovisioned by vcld or if the image owner must install the software to enable it


This table contains which ports are used by which connect methods.

id - id of entry
connectmethodid - reference to
protocol - TCP or UDP
port - tcp or udp port number

continuations table

This table contains "continuations" which are basically saved states that can then be submitted by the web frontend to perform an action. Any entries in this table with an expiretime that is older than the current time can be deleted during periodic maintenance.

id - id of entry
userid - reference to - who this entry belongs to
expiretime - date/time entry expires
frommode - mode transitioning from
tomode - mode transitioning to
data - serialized data saved with this continuation
multicall - flag to tell if this continuation can be called more than one time
parentid - reference to - parent of this continuation for continuation chains (can be NULL)
deletefromid - reference to - id in a continuation chain from which to start deleting the chain


id - id of entry
name - system name of image
prettyname - name of image that is displayed to users
ownerid - reference to - owner of image
platformid imagetypeid - reference to
platformid - reference to - platform of image
OSid - reference to - OS of image
imagemetaid - reference to - NULL or id from imagemeta table where additional image information is stored
minram - minimum RAM required for this image in MB; for VM images, this is how much RAM to allocate to the VM - however, vcld controls the minimum that will be allocated to a VM
minprocnumber - minimum number of cores required by image
minprocspeed - minimum processor speed required by image in MHz
minnetwork - minimum (public?) network speed required by image in Mbps
maxconcurrent - maximum concurrent reservations that can be made for image
reloadtime - reload time for image - used by backend for knowing how long to wait during certain parts of deploying the image; only used by the frontend the first time the image is loaded, after which historical data is used to estimate loading time
deleted - flag to show if image has been deleted - 1 if deleted, 0 if not
test - flag to show if there is a test version of this image available (depricated?)
lastupdate - date/time image was last updated
forcheckout - flag to tell if the image should show up in the list of images on the new reservations page - this is designed to be used for subimages in clusters where the subimages should not be directly reserved
maxinitialtime - maximum initial time the image can be reserved
project - vcl, hpc, or vclhpc - string used to control some network configuration?
size - size of the image in MB?
architecture - x86 or x86_64 - architecture of image
description - description of image displayed on new reservations page
usage - notes on how to use image displayed on Connect page
basedoffrevisionid - reference to - image revision this image was based off of


id - id of entry
checkuser - flag to tell if reservations for image should be timed out if user is disconnect for > 15 minutes - 0 not to do timeout, 1 to do timeout
subimages - flag to tell if subimages are associated with image
usergroupid - reference to - user group allowed to log in to reservations for image (deprecated?)
sysprep - flat to tell if sysprep should be used on this image (bare metal images only, sysprep is always disabled for VMs)
postoption - ??
architecture - ??
rootaccess - flag to tell if users should have root access on reservations for image - 1 to have it, 0 not to
sethostname - flag to tell if the hostname of the computer should be set to match the name of the reserved computer

imagerevision table

This table contains an entry for every revision (including the initial one) of each image.

id - id of entry
imageid - reference to
revision - number of this revision
userid - reference to - user that created the revision
datecreated - date/time revision was created
deleted - flag to tell if revision has been deleted - 1 for deleted, 0 otherwise
datedeleted - date/time revision was set to deleted
production - flag to tell if this revision is the production one - 1 for production, 0 otherwise
comments - comments entered when revision was created for keeping track of what was done to the image
imagename - system name of revision
autocaptured - flag to tell if this was an auto-captured revision - 1 if it was, 0 otherwise



This table never really got is used . The idea was the people could be notified via IM in addition to or instead of via email.for ...

imagerevisionid -
usernames -
firewallenabled -
timestamp -


This table is used for ...

id - id of entry
id - id of entry
name - name of entry

IMtype table

This table never really got used. The idea was the people could be notified via IM in addition to or instead of via email.

id - id of entry
name - name of entry

localauth table

This table contains password hashes for local accounts.


id - id of entry
userid - reference to
nowfuture - now or future - whether the reservation was for 'now' or a future date/time
start - start time of the reservation
loaded - date/time the image was ready for user connection
initialend - scheduled end time of reservation
finalend - date/time reservation actually ended
wasavailable - flag to tell if requested reservation was actually available - somewhat deprecated because users get feedback that a selection is not available without actually submitting it
ending - deleted, released, failed, failedtest, noack, nologin, timeout, EOR, or none - how the reservation ended
requestid - reference to - useful for looking through vcld logs
computerid - reference to
remoteIP - IP address of user's machine
imageid - reference to
size - ??

loginlog table

This table contains a log of every authentication attempt.

user - user id entered on login page
authmech - authentication method selected
affiliationid - affiliation used to authenticate user
timestamp - date/time authentication attempt occurred
passfail - 0 for fail, 1 for pass
remoteIP - IP address of user's machine

managementnode table

code - used to record additional information about entry; enum field that can be either "none" or "invalid credentials" ("invalid credentials" is recorded when an LDAP server responds that the submitted credentials were invalid)

managementnode table

This table contains information about each management This table contains information about each management node.

id - id of entry
IPaddress - IP of management node
hostname - hostname of management node
ownerid - reference to - owner of management node
stateid - reference to - current state of management node
lastcheckin - date/time of last check in by management node
checkininterval - how often in seconds the management node should be checking in
installpath - path to root of image library
imagelibenable - 1 to enable sharing images among management nodes, 0 otherwise
imagelibgroupid - reference to - resource group that contains other management nodes from which this one can get images
imagelibuser - user to use when fetching images from other management nodes
imagelibkey - ssh identity key to use when fetching images from other management nodes
keys - comman delimited list of ssh identity keys to use when sshing to compute nodes
predictivemoduleid - id of module for predicting which image to load when a reservation completes
sshport - ssh port to listen on
publicIPconfiguration - how compute nodes managed by this node obtain their public IP
publicSubnetMask - if publicIPconfiguration is 'static', enter the subnet mask to be used when configuring the compute nodes addresses
publicDefaultGateway - if publicIPconfiguration is 'static', enter the gateway to be used when configuring the compute nodes addresses
publicDNSserver - if publicIPconfiguration is 'static', enter the DNS server to be used when configuring the compute nodes addresses
sysadminEmailAddress - email address to use when sending problem reports
sharedMailBox - email address to use for sending shadow emails of user emails
NOT_STANDALONE - ??- comma delimited list of affiliations (matching for which federated authentication is configured within Linux images; this prevents vcld from setting passwords for users of Linux images for these affiliations and causes the web frontend to display "(use your campus password)" where the password is normally displayed in the Connect dialog for the reservations
availablenetworks - list of IP addresses with associated netmasks from which a management node can assign static addresses for server reservations

module table

This table contains information about the various perl modules that are part of vcld.
