Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


As a committer, you have write access to the official Apache git repository. You need to setup a remote pointing to it in order to commit changes.

git remote add apache git
git remote -v
apache git (fetch)
apache git (push)
origin<user>/incubator-samoa.git (fetch)
origin<user>/incubator-samoa.git (push))
upstream (fetch)
upstream (push)


Checkout a pull request

To review a pull request you will need to do a local checkoutIf you have troubles using the git repository, you can try with the https address.

git remotefetch addupstream apache https:pull/ID/head:SAMOA-XX


 checkout SAMOA-XX

In the command above, ID is the identifier of the pull request on GitHub, and as a convention the branch SAMOA-XX has the same name as the JIRA issue tracking the pull request.


Fetch pull requests automatically


git config --unset remote.upstream.fetch
git config --add remote.upstream.fetch '+refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/upstream/prpull/*'
git config --add remote.upstream.fetch '+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/upstream/*'
git fetch upstream
remote: Counting objects: 554, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (58/58), done.
remote: Total 554 (delta 67), reused 40 (delta 40), pack-reused 456
Receiving objects: 100% (554/554), 101.94 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (170/170), done.
* [new ref] refs/pull/1/head -> upstream/prpull/1
* [new ref] refs/pull/2/head -> upstream/prpull/2
* [new ref] refs/pull/3/head -> upstream/prpull/3
* [new ref] refs/pull/4/head -> upstream/prpull/4
* [new ref] refs/pull/5/head -> upstream/prpull/5
* [new ref] refs/pull/6/head -> upstream/prpull/6
* [new ref] refs/pull/7/head -> upstream/prpull/7
* [new ref] refs/pull/8/head -> upstream/prpull/8
* [new ref] refs/pull/9/head -> upstream/prpull/9

Source: (note that in SAMOA's case pull requests come to the upstream remote rather than the origin one).
