Versions Compared


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  1. Fork the Apache Geode mirror project on GitHub

    Code Block
  2. Clone your fork locally so you can actually start working.

    Code Block
     git clone
  3. After cloning add an upstream remote so your fork can actually reference the original Apache Geode repository.

    Code Block
     git remote add upstream
  4. Your git remote should look like the following:

    Code Block
     git remote -v
    origin (fetch)
    origin (push)
    upstream (fetch)
    upstream (push)
  5. Fetch remote branches and checkout develop

    Code Block
     git fetch upstream
    # update your local branch
    git checkout develop
  6. Geode follows git-flow conventions so if you do have git-flow installed in your system just do:

    Code Block
     git flow init
  7. Then create your feature branch with the number of the JIRA task that describes your work (fix/feature).

    Code Block
     git flow feature start GEODE-41
    Switched to a new branch 'feature/GEODE-41'
    Summary of actions:
    - A new branch 'feature/GEODE-41' was created, based on 'develop'
    - You are now on branch 'feature/GEODE-41'
    Now, start committing on your feature. When done, use:
    git flow feature finish GEODE-41
  8. Complete your work (commits) and in order to update the ticket with your progress use the following syntax in your commit messages:

    Code Block
     git commit -a -m "[GEODE-41] #comment My new cool feature XYZ"
  9. Execute the precheckin gradle task in order to perform tests related to the components affected by your change. All tests must pass. When in doubt ask on @dev list.

    Code Block
     ./gradlew precheckinbuild
  10. When work is complete, consider whether documentation to be updated or created due to the new feature.
  11. If/When needed to push your local work to GitHub use the following command:

    Code Block
     git push --set-upstream origin feature/GEODE-41
  12. Open GitHub web inteface and you should see your just pushed branch with a 'Compare & pull request' button

  13. This will lead to Open a pull request page with detailed information on which fork and branch you going from/to. You should add some descriptive information if needed and finally click on Create pull request



  14. The review process starts and once approved your PR will be merged into develop. if it's not approved or require some additional work, go back to the commit step.
  15. Now you can go ahead and finish your feature

    Code Block
     git flow feature finish GEODE-41

    Accepting the Pull-request

    As a reviewer/committer do the review using GitHub or if needed request a ReviewBoard submission.
    Once the PR is approved since the GitHub repository is a ready-only mirror you actually need to download the patch and apply. The JIRA ticket must have the link to the patch in the comments section, something like:
    Alternatively add GitHub as a remote to the ASF clone and just fetch pull requests. For example:
