Versions Compared


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  • Modifying retention interval for time aggregated data.
    (Note: In Ambari 2.0 and 2.1, the Phoenix version does not support Alter TTL queries. So these can be modified from the UI, only at install time. Please refer to Known Issues section for workaround.)

    PropertyDefault valueDescription minute resolution data purge interval. Default is 1 day. based X minutes resolution data purge interval. Default is 7 days.
    (X = configurable interval, default interval is 2 minutes) based hourly resolution data purge interval. Default is 30 days. based daily resolution data purge interval. Default is 1 year.
    timeline.metrics.cluster.aggregator.minute.ttl2592000Cluster wide minute resolution data purge interval. Default is 30 days.
    timeline.metrics.cluster.aggregator.hourly.ttl31536000Cluster wide hourly resolution data purge interval. Default is 1 year.
    timeline.metrics.cluster.aggregator.daily.ttl63072000Cluster wide daily resolution data purge interval. Default is 2 years.

    Note: The precision table at 1 minute resolution stores raw precision data for 1 day, when user queries for past 1 hour of data, the AMS API returns raw precision data.

  • Modifying the aggregation intervals for HOST and CLUSTER aggregators.

    On wake up the aggregator threads resume from (last run time + interval) as long as last run time is not too old.

    PropertyDefault valueDescription

    Time in seconds to sleep for the minute resolution host based aggregator.

    Default resolution is 2 minutes.

    Time in seconds to sleep for the hourly resolution host based aggregator.

    Default resolution is 1 hour.


    Time in seconds to sleep for the day resolution host based aggregator.

    Default resolution is 24 hours.


    Time in seconds to sleep for the minute resolution cluster wide aggregator.

    Default resolution is 2 minutes.


    Time in seconds to sleep for the hourly resolution cluster wide aggregator.

    Default is 1 hour.


    Time in seconds to sleep for the day resolution cluster wide aggregator.

    Default is 24 hours.

  • Modifying checkpoint information. The aggregators store the timestamp or last run time on local FS.
    After reading last run time, the aggregator thread decides to aggregate as long as the (currentTime - lastRunTime) < multipler * aggregation_interval.
    The multiplier is configurable for each aggregator.

    PropertyDefault valueDescription

    Multiplier value * interval = Max allowed checkpoint lag.

    Effectively if aggregator checkpoint is greater than max allowed checkpoint delay,

    the checkpoint will be discarded by the aggregator. as above as above
    timeline.metrics.cluster.aggregator.minute.checkpointCutOffMultiplier2Same as above
    timeline.metrics.cluster.aggregator.hourly.checkpointCutOffMultiplier2Same as above
    timeline.metrics.cluster.aggregator.daily.checkpointCutOffMultiplier1Same as above

    Directory to store aggregator checkpoints. Change to a permanent

    location so that checkpoint are not lost.

  • Other important configuration properties

    PropertyDefault valueDescription*.disabledfalseDisable host based * aggregations.
    ( * => minute/hourly/daily)

    Disable cluster based * aggregations.

    ( * => minute/hourly/daily)

    timeline.metrics.cluster.aggregator.minute.timeslice.interval30Lowest resolution of desired data for cluster level minute aggregates.

    Codecs are enabled on a table by setting the DATA_BLOCK_ENCODING property.

    Default encoding is FAST_DIFF. This can be changed only before creating tables.


    Compression codes need to be installed and available before setting the scheme.

    Default compression is SNAPPY. Disable by setting to None.

    This can be changed only before creating tables.


    Max result limit on number of rows returned. Calculated as follows:

    4 aggregate metrics/min * 60 * 24: Retrieve aggregate data for 1 day.


    Time in seconds to sleep on the first run or when the checkpoint is too old.

    timeline.metrics.service.resultset.fetchSize2000JDBC resultset prefect size for aggregator queries.

    List of application ids to use for aggregating host level metrics for an application.

    Example: bytes_read across Yarn Nodemanagers.