Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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  1. Install the necessary dependencies:
    1. $ sudo pacman -S polkit apache php php-apache php-mcrypt php-composer mariadb

  2. Enable the appropriate extensions:
    1. $ sudo vim /etc/php/php.ini
      Uncomment the following extensions:,,, and

    2. $ sudo vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
      Uncomment the following extension: rewrite_module modules/
      Replace the mpm_event_module modules/ with mpm_prefork_module modules/
      Add the following line: LoadModule php5_module modules/
      Add the following line: Include conf/extra/php5_module.conf

  3. Create necessary MySQL config:
    1. $ sudo mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql
  4. Start and enable the Apache and MySQL daemons:
    1. $ sudo systemctl start polkit
      $ sudo systemctl start httpd
      $ sudo systemctl enable httpd
      $ sudo systemctl start mysqld
      $ sudo systemctl enable mysqld

    2. Note: you may need to reboot to start polkit

  5. Complete the MySQL installation:
    1. $ sudo mysql_secure_installation

  6. Add a MySQL user:
    1. $ mysql -u root -p
      > CREATE USER 'forge'@'localhost';
      > GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'forge'@'localhost'; 
      > CREATE DATABASE 'forge';
      > exit 

  7. Clone the PGA git repository:
    1. $ cd /srv/http
      $ sudo git clone
      $ sudo chown -R $USER airavata-php-gateway

  8. Configure the PGA:
    1. $ cd airavata-php-gateway
      $ cp app/config/pga_config.php.example app/config/pga_config.php
      $ vim app/config/pga_config.php
  9. Configure the PGA storage permissions:
    1. $ chmod -R 777 app/storage 

  10. Install using Composer:
    1. $ sudo composer install

User Hosted PGA with SciGaP in MAC OS



  1. To install MCrypt for PHP on MAC please follow the steps in
  2. Once above is completed follow the steps given in for
    1. Configuring Apache
    2. Installing Composer 


Download and Configure PGA
