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Java M1 Release - DAS Key Features

  • RDB CRUD operations in terms of SDO DataObjects
  • Optimistic concurrency control
  • Generated database IDs
  • Stored procedures
  • Paging API
  • 1..1 and 1..n relationships
  • Partial row updates

Java M2 Release - DAS Key Features

  • DAS Core features
    • MySQL support
    • Static Data Objects
    • Dynamic root for static graphs
    • "Unique" attribute on relationships
    • Explicit ResultSet shape definition
    • Improved logging
    • Programmatic Configuration
    • Helper for empty SDO Graph
      • Column named "ID" is the PK
      • Column named "xxx_ID" is the FK to table "xxx"
    • Convention over configuration
  • DAS Samples
    • Tomcat integration and automated DAS samples testing (htmlUnit)
    • DAS Samples now have all dependencies and source code inside the sample war
    • M2 JIRAS

Java M3 Release - DAS Key Features (Old Proposed Planning - NEED REVIEW)

  • DAS Core features
    • Optimisc concurrency control
      • Support for OCC recovery (TUSCANY-916) - Default OCC policy (all OCC-capable fileds used in overquaified "where")
    • More performant pager (TUSCANY-542) - Review MySQL Support (TUSCANY-937)
    • SCA Intgration
      • Expose DAS as a Pojo SCA Service ( (TUSCANY-898) - Container-based DAS (impl.das) (TUSCANY-904)
  • DAS Samples
    • Sample consuming DAS as a Pojo SCA service - Sample consuming container-based DAS
  • Documentation
    • Continue to work on DAS User's guide - HOW-TO describing how to build a DAS Application
  • Infrastructure
    • Automate release distribution process

Java beta1 Release - DAS Key Features

  • DAS Core features
    • Optimisc concurrency control
    • Default OCC policy (all OCC-capable fileds used in overquaified "where") (TUSCANY-866)
    • DAS Configuration supports ConnectionInfo for J2SE environment (TUSCANY-948)
    • DAS supports queries that reference tables in multiple schema (TUSCANY-952)
  • DAS Samples
    • Creation and initialization of database for DAS samples (TUSCANY-863)
    • Sample with Advanced DAS features Demo (TUSCANY-800)
    • Sample with J2SE application using DAS (samples/customer)
  • Documentation
    • More sections added to DAS User's Guide
    • Javadoc available
    • Added FAQs
    • Added "Starting with DAS" Guide to help user get started with using different DAS features
    • Added DAS Architecture Guide