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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3

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Documenting, but not defining the code style in use

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At present, the definitive Wicket Code Style may be considered to be that defined by the /trunk/jdk-1.4/wicket/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs file, which is all well & good as long as you're using Eclipse! At present, as all the main committers appear to use that IDE, this hasn't a big problem, but this page attempts to document the main points to help those using alternative formatters.

Note - the intention here is to act as an aid for any developers interested in replicating the Wicket Code Style in something other than Eclipse, in order to help with supplying patches, etc. Even with IDEA (and as anyone with IDEA will see, I've only mentioned about 1/2 the settings available), you're almost certainly not going to be able to 100% replicate the Eclipse formatter, as there are too many 'edge cases', even when JavaDoc formatting is disabled. (That's a whole can of worms in itself...)

  • Wicket codestyle for IDEA 7 - Wicket.xml
    • Place in your local version of $HOME/.IntelliJIdea70/config/codestyles/

Java Style

General - Tabs and Indents




Use Tabs or Spaces


Smart Tabs


Inserts tabs for indentation and reformatting but the fine alignment to a necessary column is done using spaces. Otherwise, only tabs are used.

Tab Size


Number of spaces included within a tab



Number of spaces to insert for each indent level

Continuation indent


Number of spaces to insert in case of a construct break to be inserted at the next line

Right Margin (columns)


Column to wrap at

Alignment & Braces

Class declaration

On next line


Method declaration

On next line



On next line


Special 'else if' treatment


i.e., keep on same line

Indent 'case' from 'switch'



Place 'else' on new line



Blank Lines

Keep Blank Lines

In declarations


Maximum number of blank lines that will be kept before class or method declarations after reformatting

In code


Maximum number of blank lines that will be kept among items within classes or methods after reformatting

Before '}'


Maximum number of blank lines that will be kept before the closing code block brace after reformatting

Blank Lines

Before package statement


After package statement


Before imports


After imports


Around class


Around field


Around method


After class header



Before Parentheses

Method call parentheses


Method declaration parentheses


'if' parentheses


'while' parentheses


'for' parentheses


'catch' parentheses


'switch' parentheses


'synchronized' parentheses


Annotation parentheses


Around operators

All operators


Before left brace ({)

All left braces


Within Parentheses

All parentheses


Within Ternary Operator

i.e. a ? b : c;

Before '?'


After '?'


Before ':'


After ':'



After comma (e.g. in argument lists)


After semicolon (e.g. in 'for' loops)


After type cast



Use single class import


Import a particular class from a package is imported rather than '.*'

Use fully qualified class names in Javadoc


Use fully qualified class name rather than importing

Class count to use import with '*'


Specify number of classes to import from a package until switching to '.*'

Names count to use static import with '*'


Specify number of classes to import from a package until switching to '.*'


Imported classes will be grouped as below and sorted alphabetically within a grouping

  • java.*...
  • <blank line>
  • javax.*...
  • <blank line>
  • <all other imports>



Use these options to define how Javadoc comments are aligned.

Align parameter description


If checked, parameter descriptions are aligned against the longest parameter name. Otherwise, the description is separated from the parameter name by a single space.

Align thrown exception description


If checked, thrown exception descriptions are aligned against the longest exception name. Otherwise, the description is separated from the exception name by a single space.

Blank lines

Use these options to define where blank lines are inserted in the Javadoc comments.

After description


If checked, a blank line is automatically inserted after the description section of Javadoc comment.

After parameter descriptions


If checked, a blank line is inserted after the group of @param tags.

After return tag


If checked, a blank line is inserted after the @return tag.

Invalid tags

Keep invalid tags


If checked, the @invalidTag is preserved.

Keep empty @param tags


If checked, the @param tags without description are preserved.

Keep empty @return tags


If checked, the @return tags without description are preserved.

Keep empty @throws tags


If checked, the @throws tags without description are preserved.


Enable leading asterisks


If checked, each line of a Javadoc comment starts with an asterisk.

Use @throws rather than @exception


If checked, @throws tag is used.

Wrap at right margin


If checked, the text that exceeds the right margin, is wrapped to the next line.

Generate </p> on empty lines


If checked, </p> tag is automatically inserted to an empty line

Keep empty lines


If checked, the empty lines, inserted by the user, are preserved

Do not wrap one-line comment


If checked, short comments will be kept in one line with the opening and closing tags