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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3
titleHistoric Information

Much of the information on these pages is no longer applicable to current releases. Current documentation for is now kept on the website, see for more details.

Alert Monitoring

To set up required checks match log output on the following strings:


With the following exclusions for warnings that are to be ignored:

"Requested requeue of message:"
"Routing map contains:"
"Dropping message as requeue not required and there is no dead letter queue"
"Compressing Buffers on queue."
"No additional SASL providers registered."
"No Database or no mechanisms to initialise authentication"
"VirtualHost authentication Managers require spec change to be operational."


Message Text


Error decrementing ref count on message <message id>:

Application coding error. Error logged but not rethrown and no other action taken. Broker keeps running.

Unsupported field type <class> for <field> IGNORING configured value

Error during configuration, application configuration error. Ignored.

Unable to expand property:

Error during configuration, application configuration error. Ignored.

Unable to access field <field> IGNORING configured value

Error during configuration, application configuration error. Ignored.

Exception occured in creating the direct exchange mbean

Rethrown as AMQException.

MESSAGE LOSS: Message should be sent on a Dead Letter Queue

Non-mandatory message not routable. Route for message not set up correctly.

Exception occured in creating the topic exchenge mbean

Could not create mbean for exchange. Rethrown as AMQException.

Exception occured in creating the direct exchange mbean

Could not create mbean for exchange. Rethrown as AMQException.

Exception occured in creating the HeadersExchangeMBean

Could not create mbean for exchange. Rethrown as AMQException.

Default XPath evaluator could not be loaded

Coding error.

Error closing protocol session:

Error logged but not rethrown and no other action take. Broker keeps running.

Error disposing of Sasl server:

Error logged but not rethrown and no other action take. Broker keeps running.

Error disposing of Sasl server:

Error logged but not rethrown and no other action take. Broker keeps running.

Unable to listen on SSL port:

Broker won't start. Port is unavailable. Port may be in use on server

Unable to bind service to registry:

Broker won't start.

AMQProtocolSession MBean creation has failed

Could not create mbean for session. Rethrown as AMQException.

Received incorrect protocol initiation

Client failed to open session. Possibly out of date client being used?

Error in protocol initiation

Client fail to open session. Possibly out of date client being used?

IOException caught in <session id>, session closed implictly:

Connection lost due to io error.

Exception caught in <session id>, closing session explictly:

Connection closed due to error/bad operation.

Unable to get body count:

The message store lost part of the message? or corrupt message taken off the wire?

Error getting body count:

The message store lost part of the message? or corrupt message taken off the wire?

Error getting size of message body.

The message store lost part of the message? or corrupt message taken off the wire?

Message was dequeued, but could not then be deleted though it is no longer referenced:

According to the comment this is a rare but harmless error.

Just send message: <message id> BUT removed this from queue: <message id>

Unexpected condition on the broker. Message sent should be message removed from queue.

Unable to deliver message as dequeue failed:

Message could not be delivered.

Attempt to send Null message

Application coding error.

Sending <message> when subscriber(<client id>) is closed!

Application coding error.

Sending <message> when subscriber(<client id>) is closed!

Application coding error.

MESSAGE LOSS : Unable to re-deliver messages

Failed messages cannot be redelivered.

[MESSAGES LOST]Unable to re-deliver messages as queue is null.

Failed messages cannot be redelivered.

Unable to re-deliver messages as queue is null.

Failed messages cannot be redelivered.

Queue is null won't be able to resend messages

Failed messages cannot be redelivered.

Unable to remove from index(<index>) subscription:

Unsubscription failed, due to unknown subscriber. Broker ignores and keeps running.

Error configuring application:

Bad configuration. Rethrown as runtime. Ignore.

Unable to instantiate configuration class <class> - ensure it has a public default constructor

Error in application configuration.

State manager received error notification[Current State:<state>]:

Protocol error. Client application may have used protocol incorrectly. Broker should handle this error correctly.

On commiting transaction, unable to determine whether delivered to a consumer immediately:

Application coding error.

Failed to deliver messages following txn commit:

Application coding error.

Unable to instantiate configuration class <class> - ensure it has a public default constructor

Configuration exception. Rethrown as illegal argument.

Could not load resource:

The application has not been compiled with a version stamp. Bad build.

Error decoding FieldTable in deferred decoding mode

Rethrown as illegal argument.


Message Text


<object id> Requested requeue of message(<message id>): <delivery tag> but no queue defined and no DeadLetter queue so DROPPING message.

Undeliverable non-mandatory message.

Requested requeue of message: <delivery tag> but no such delivery tag exists. <num unacked messages>

Coding error. Ignore.

No queues found for routing key <routing key>

Unroutable message, no route set up.

Routing map contains: <routing keys>

Debug trace of above.

Ignoring special header: <key>

Badly configured headers exchange. Application has not set up its headers exchange correctly.

Ignoring unrecognised match type: <value>

Badly configured headers exchange. Application has not set up its headers exchange correctly.

Invalid <class> implementation:

Coding error.

Dropping reject request as message is null for tag: <delivery tag>

Coding error.

Dropping message as requeue not required and there is no dead letter queue

Seems to be handled else where.

Unrecognised frame <class>

Bad frame.

Requesting rejection by null subscriber: <id>

Coding error.

Compressing Buffers on queue.

Warn about (costly?) internal broker actions.

No Configuration specified. Using default access controls for VirtualHost:'<vhost name>'

Security not configured for the application.

No access control specified. Using default access controls for VirtualHost:'<vhost name>'

Security not configured for the application.

Database '<database id>' cannot perform access management

Application configuration error.

Specified PrincipalDatabase is not an AccessManager so using default AccessManager

Application configuration error.

No Principal databases specified. Broker running with NO AUTHENTICATION.

Application configuration error.

No authentication specified for '<host>'. Using Default authentication manager

Possible application configuration error.

No authentication specified. Using Default authentication manager

Possible application configuration error.

Unable to set order of providers.

Coding or configuration error.

No additional SASL providers registered.

Configuration warning.

More than one principle database provided currently authentication mechanism will override each other.

Configuration error.

No Database or no mechanisms to initialise authentication

Reported elsewhere so ingore.

we need a server that will correctly convert the incomming plain text for comparison to file.

Application coding error.

Setting Accessable Name for VirualHost is not allowed.

Application coding error.

VirtualHost authentication Managers require spec change to be operational.

Warning about future AMQP spec changed.

Unable to find resource <resource path> from classloader

The application has not been compiled with a version stamp. Bad build.

Could not find protocol conversion classes for <major version>-<minor version>

Application coding error.

Any access denied to vHost '<vhost name>' by <authorizer name>

Potential attempted security breach.

Errors for Persistent Messaging (BDB Store) Only.

Message Text



Unable to create exchange:

Failed to instantiate exchange from BDB, possibly corrupt data store.

Shutdown broker. Restart broker to recover, if this fails, initiate restore from BDB backup.

Unable to create binding:

Failed to instantiate binding from BDB, possibly corrupt data store.

Shutdown broker. Restart broker to recover, if this fails, initiate restore from BDB backup.

Unable to create queue:

Failed to instantiate queue from BDB, possibly corrupt data store.

Shutdown broker. Restart broker to recover, if this fails, initiate restore from BDB backup.

Unkown queue: <queue name> cannot be bound to exchange:

Failed to instantiate queue from BDB, possibly corrupt data store.

Shutdown broker. Restart broker to recover, if this fails, initiate restore from BDB backup.

Failed to enqueue:

Message could not be placed on queue. Rethrown as AMQException.

Shutdown broker. Restart broker to recover, if this fails, initiate restore from BDB backup.

Failed to dequeue message <message id>:

Failed to load message from BDB, possibly corrupt data store. Rethrown as AMQException.

Shutdown broker. Restart broker to recover, if this fails, initiate restore from BDB backup.


BDB Database error prevented message delivery. Rethrown.

Shutdown broker. Restart broker to recover, if this fails, initiate restore from BDB backup.

Error converting entry to object:

Failed to instantiate meta data from BDB, possibly corrupt data store.

Shutdown broker. Restart broker to recover, if this fails, initiate restore from BDB backup.

Error shutting down message store:

Message store could not be cleanly shut down. Possibly corrupt message store?

Restart broker to recover, if this fails, initiate restore from BDB backup.