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Salesforce component

Available as of Camel 2.12

This component supports producer and consumer endpoints to communicate with Salesforce using Java DTOs.
There is a companion maven plugin Camel Salesforce Plugin that generates these DTOs (see further below).

Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml for this component:

Code Block
    <!-- use the same version as your Camel core version -->

URI format

The URI scheme for a salesforce component is as follows

Code Block

You can append query options to the URI in the following format, ?option=value&option=value&...

Supported Salesforce APIs

The component supports the following Salesforce APIs

Producer endpoints can use the following APIs. Most of the APIs process one record at a time, the Query API can retrieve multiple Records.

Rest API

  • getVersions - Gets supported Salesforce REST API versions
  • getResources - Gets available Salesforce REST Resource endpoints
  • getGlobalObjects - Gets metadata for all available SObject types
  • getBasicInfo - Gets basic metadata for a specific SObject type
  • getDescription - Gets comprehensive metadata for a specific SObject type
  • getSObject - Gets an SObject using its Salesforce Id
  • createSObject - Creates an SObject
  • updateSObject - Updates an SObject using Id
  • deleteSObject - Deletes an SObject using Id
  • getSObjectWithId - Gets an SObject using an external (user defined) id field
  • upsertSObject - Updates or inserts an SObject using an external id
  • deleteSObjectWithId - Deletes an SObject using an external id
  • query - Runs a Salesforce SOQL query
  • queryMore - Retrieves more results (in case of large number of results) using result link returned from the 'query' API
  • search - Runs a Salesforce SOSL query

For example, the following producer endpoint uses the upsertSObject API, with the sObjectIdName parameter specifying 'Name' as the external id field.
The request message body should be an SObject DTO generated using the maven plugin.
The response message will either be null if an existing record was updated, or CreateSObjectResult with an id of the new record, or a list of errors while creating the new object.

Code Block"salesforce:upsertSObject?sObjectIdName=Name")...

Rest Bulk API

Producer endpoints can use the following APIs. All Job data formats, i.e. xml, csv, zip/xml, and zip/csv are supported.
The request and response have to be marshalled/unmarshalled by the route. Usually the request will be some stream source like a CSV file,
and the response may also be saved to a file to be correlated with the request.

  • createJob - Creates a Salesforce Bulk Job
  • getJob - Gets a Job using its Salesforce Id
  • closeJob - Closes a Job
  • abortJob - Aborts a Job
  • createBatch - Submits a Batch within a Bulk Job
  • getBatch - Gets a Batch using Id
  • getAllBatches - Gets all Batches for a Bulk Job Id
  • getRequest - Gets Request data (XML/CSV) for a Batch
  • getResults - Gets the results of the Batch when its complete
  • createBatchQuery - Creates a Batch from an SOQL query
  • getQueryResultIds - Gets a list of Result Ids for a Batch Query
  • getQueryResult - Gets results for a Result Id

For example, the following producer endpoint uses the createBatch API to create a Job Batch.
The in message must contain a body that can be converted into an InputStream (usually UTF-8 CSV or XML content from a file, etc.) and header fields 'jobId' for the Job and 'contentType' for the Job content type, which can be XML, CSV, ZIP_XML or ZIP_CSV. The put message body will contain BatchInfo on success, or throw a SalesforceException on error.

Code Block"salesforce:createBatchJob")..

Rest Streaming API

Consumer endpoints can use the following sytax for streaming endpoints to receive Salesforce notifications on create/update.

To create and subscribe to a topic

Code Block
	from("salesforce:CamelTestTopic?notifyForFields=ALL&notifyForOperations=ALL&sObjectName=Merchandise__c&updateTopic=true&sObjectQuery=SELECT Id, Name FROM Merchandise__c")...

To subscribe to an existing topic

Code Block


Uploading a document to a ContentWorkspace

Create the ContentVersion in Java, using a Processor instance:

Code Block
public class ContentProcessor implements Processor {
	public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
    	Message message = exchange.getIn();

		ContentVersion cv = new ContentVersion();
		ContentWorkspace cw = getWorkspace(exchange);
		cv.setTitle("test document");
		byte[] document = message.getBody(byte[].class);
		ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
		String enc = mapper.convertValue(document, String.class);

	protected ContentWorkspace getWorkSpace(Exchange exchange) {
		// Look up the content workspace somehow, maybe use enrich() to add it to a
		// header that can be extracted here

Give the output from the processor to the Salesforce component:

Code Block
		.to(new ContentProcessor())     // convert bytes from the file into a ContentVersion SObject 
										// for the salesforce component

Camel Salesforce Maven Plugin

This Maven plugin generates DTOs for the Camel Salesforce.


The plugin configuration has the following properties.





Salesforce client Id for Remote API access


Salesforce client secret for Remote API access


Salesforce account user name


Salesforce account password (including secret token)


Salesforce Rest API version, defaults to 25.0


Directory where to place generated DTOs, defaults to ${}/generated-sources/camel-salesforce


List of SObject types to include


List of SObject types to exclude


Java RegEx for SObject types to include


Java RegEx for SObject types to exclude


Java package name for generated DTOs, defaults to org.apache.camel.salesforce.dto.

For obvious security reasons it is recommended that the clientId, clientSecret, userName and password fields be not set in the pom.xml.
The plugin should be configured for the rest of the properties, and can be executed using the following command:

Code Block
	mvn camel-salesforce:generate -DclientId=<clientid> -DclientSecret=<clientsecret> -DuserName=<username> -Dpassword=<password>

The generated DTOs use Jackson and XStream annotations. All Salesforce field types are supported. Date and time fields are mapped to Joda DateTime, and picklist fields are mapped to generated Java Enumerations.

Include Page
Endpoint See Also
Endpoint See Also