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Comment: Add examples of other frameworks when listing drawbacks for Copycat's use case and make a couple of minor tweaks


Copycat is designed specifically for Kafka and one endpoint in every Copycat job is always Kafka. In contrast, there are already a variety of frameworks for copying and processing data that provide highly generic interfaces and already have plugins for Kafka [(examples: fluentd, flumeFlume, logstashLogstash, heka, camel]Heka, Apache Camel). However, this generic approach misses out on a lot of important features of Kafka.

First, Kafka builds parallelism into its core abstraction: a partitioned topic. Fixing Kafka as one half of each Copycat connector leverages and builds upon this parallelism: sources are expected to handle many parallel input streams that produce data to many partitions, and sinks are expected to consume from many partitions, or even many topics, and generate many output streams that are sent to or stored in the destination system. In contrast, most frameworks operate at the level of individual streams, both for input and output (examples: fluentd, Flume, Logstash, Morphlines, Heka). While you can achieve parallelism in these systems, it requires defining many tasks to cover all of the input and output streams. This can become especially problematic when the number of streams is very large; Copycat expects this use case and allows connectors to efficiently partition a large number of input streams, mapping them to a smaller set of worker tasks. Some specialized cases may not use this parallelism, e.g. importing a database changelog, but it is critical for the most common use cases.

Second, Copycat can take advantage of Kafka’s built-in fault tolerance and scalability to simplify Copycat, both operationally and it’s implementation. More general frameworks usually standardize on the lowest common denominator abstraction -- a single stream that may be persisted to disk but is not fault tolerant in a distributed sense -- because the burden of implementing connectors for many systems would be too high if they did not (examples: Logstash, Heka, Fluentd; Flume's storage is configurable and can be backed by Kafka). By requiring Kafka as one endpoint, Copycat can leverage Kafka features such as consumer groups, which provide automatic partition balancing and fault tolerance, without any additional code. Connectors must be aware of the semantics provided by Kafka, but their code can remain very simple.

Third, by working directly with Kafka, Copycat provide flexible delivery guarantees (at most once, at least once, and exactly once) without additional support from connectors. This is possible to achieve with the right set of primitives in a more general framework (flush, offset tracking, offset commit), but requires pushing more of that functionality into connectors rather than implementing it once in the framework. Many frameworks cannot provide delivery guarantees (examples: Logstash, Heka), some can provide some of these guarantees under some situations given careful configuration (example: fluentd, Flume), but none provide an out-of-the-box solution that makes it easy for the user to achieve different semantics without requiring a deep understanding of the the framework's architecture.

Besides leveraging Kafka-specific functionality, there are drawbacks to adopting any of the numerous existing general-purpose frameworks. Most are not actually general purpose because they were initially designed around a specific use case (e.g. logs, ETL) and later generalized; however, their designs -- and limitations -- clearly highlight their origins. Many of these systems also grew broader in scope over time, making them more complex to learn, deploy, and making it harder to provide useful guarantees, such as data delivery guarantees. Another issue is that many tools, especially those focused on ETL, tend to require a specific runtime model/environment, e.g. they require YARN. Such a requirement is impractical for a general purpose tool as the number of cluster resource management strategies is quickly growing, let alone traditional process management strategies. It is better to be agnostic to the use of these tools rather than depending on them. Finally, many of these tools do not fit in well with the technology stack Kafka requires. For some users they may be preferable if they match their existing stack and infrastructure (e.g. Ruby for fluentd), but for many users a tool that fits well with the stack (and knowledge) that Kafka already requires would be preferable.


Exactly once: each message is guaranteed to be delivered to (or stored in) the output system exactly once. The implementation will depend on the output system, requiring either idempotency or that input system offsets are tracked in the output system. For source connectors, the output system is Kafka and should be able to achieve exactly once is not possible until semantics with the idempotent producer is implemented; for sink connectors, it can be achieved in a system-specific way, e.g. using <topic>-<partition>-<offset> as a document ID in a document store like Elasticsearch or atomically committing data & offset using a file rename in HDFS.
