Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • The dumpRoutesAsXml operation now preserve property placeholder used in the route models. 
  • Using setFaultBody / setFaultHeader behaves similar to setBody / setHeader to preserve existing headers/attachments by setting on existing IN or OUT message.
  • If using concurrent consumer on JMS endpoints for request/reply over JMS then you must use the new replyToConcurrentConsumers, replyToMaxConcurrentConsumers options to configure the values. 
  • When the Aggregator2 is forced completed the exchange property Exchange.AGGREGATED_COMPLETED_BY value has been changed from "forceCompletion" to "force" so its named like the other completion triggers.
  • Removed unsupported modules camel-web and camel-web-standalone.
  • Removed unsupported camel:dot functionality from camel:run plugin.
  • Removed unsupported camel-archetype-scala-component from maven archetypes.
  • The Maven coordinate for linkedin and olingo2 components changed to be aligned like all the others having groupId as just org.apache.camel.
  • If using MongoDB component, the option invokeGetLastError doesn't exist anymore. The option invokeGetLastError instructs the MongoDB Java driver to invoke getLastError() after every call. In the 3.0.0 MongoDB driver implementation, the getLastError() method in WriteResult has been removed. So, if needed, use an acknowledged WriteConcern when executing the write operation and then verify the correctness of the operation with the method wasAcknowledged() of WriteResult.
  • The Jing component now uses jing as schema name in uris, instead of rng or rnc. Those names has been removed.
  • Swagger module now supports getting api-docs from multiple camel contexts in the JVM. The entry point at /api-docs now lists the contexts detected, and you need to append the context id in the path, eg /api-docs/myCamel
  • If using <contextScan> with Spring or Blueprint to filter RouteBuilder classes, then Camel will now by default only look for singleton beans. You can turn on the old behavior to include prototype scoped with the new option 
  • camel-vertx has been upgraded to vertx 3.0 which requires Java 8 at runtime.
  • camel-cdi is now using CDI 1.1 api - support for 1.0 has been dropped.

Getting the Distributions
