Versions Compared


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  • File language now properly supports file extensions having double dots, such as .tar.gz
  • Fixed issue with doTry not stopping routing if a fault message was set using setFaultBody within the doTry.
  • Fixed Bean language to support end parenthesis in quoted string literals as part of method parameters, and not as end of method signature. 
  • Fixed FTP2 using pollEnrich with disconnect=true and delete=true, would disconnect before deleting the file. Now we disconnect last.
  • Various EIPs such as SplitterRecipient ListMulticast no longer reuse message id in their sub messages, but each sub message has its own unique message id (just as the exchange has).
  • Fixed an issue with the circuit breaker Load Balancer not honoring the half open after period after an error was detected.
  • Fixed FTP2 now calling disconnect if there was no messages to poll, even when disconnect=true configured.
  • Fixed Throttler using method call expression in XML DSL was not working
  • Fixed stopping a route may stop context scoped OnException that would otherwise send message to an endpoint, now been stopped and an IllegalStateException was thrown while handling the exception.
  • Fixed using a Load Balancer from a context scoped onException may double up its processors participating in the balancer per route in the context.
  • Fixed parallelAggregate on multicast/splitter/recipient list to use a thread pool for running concurrently. 
  • Fixed Stream caching to not delete data that was spooled to disk before both exchanges are done routing.
  • Fixed DefaultErrorHandler to use 1 sec redelivery delay out of the box as the other error handlers does. 
  • Fixed setting logExhaustedMessageHistory=true on Dead Letter Channel to log the message history. This option is by default false on DLC as it would be as before (not noisy).
  • Fixed double refresh of the parent Spring Boot Application Context
  • Fixed configuring endpoint uri's with primitive types when the value is looked up in the registry using #notation would not work.
  • Fixed using transacted in the Scala DSL
  • camel-swagger now filters out older Camel releases that do not support rest-dsl when it discovers Camel's in the JVM
  • Fixed Mail consumer to use the default value of 60 seconds as poll interval again, instead of 0.5 sec.
  • Fixed Netty and Netty4 may perform x2 redelivery when attempting to redeliver to a netty producer endpoint
  • Fixed Recipient List would not work if using RAW() syntax in endpoint uri
  • Fixed Camel Commands to not show correct route status for suspended routes in the routes-list command.
  • Fixed using HTTP and Exchange.HTTP_QUERY or Exchange.HTTP_URI may double encode the value.
  • Fixed starting a route from a file endpoint, and then do a pollEnrich from another file endpoint, and both using the same readLock=marker, would only delete one of the marker files when done.
  • Now Vert.x endpoints support multiple consumers
