Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Change install to test phase


"EJB Core Contracts and Requirements" specification section 16.2.2"

  • "A field ï¬?eld or method of a bean class may be annotated to request that an entry from the bean's environment
    be injected. Any of the types of resources or other environment entries described in this chapter may
    be injected. Injection may also be requested using entries in the deployment descriptor corresponding to
    each of these resource types."


$ cd <openejb3_project_dir>/examples/resource-injection
$ mvn clean installtest

No Format
 T E S T S
Running org.apache.openejb.examples.injection.InvoiceBeanTest
WARN - Unable use logging config as there are 3 file references containing directories which have not been created.  See the list below.
WARN - [0] /home/raj/projects/openejb3/examples/resource-injection/conf/logs/transaction.log
WARN - [1] /home/raj/projects/openejb3/examples/resource-injection/conf/logs/openejb.log
WARN - [2] /home/raj/projects/openejb3/examples/resource-injection/conf/logs/server.log
Apache OpenEJB 3.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT    build: 20070120-10:45
INFO - openejb.home = /home/raj/projects/openejb3/examples/resource-injection
INFO - openejb.base = /home/raj/projects/openejb3/examples/resource-injection
WARN - Cannot find the configuration file [conf/openejb.xml].  Will attempt to create one for the beans deployed.
INFO - Found EjbModule in classpath: /home/raj/projects/openejb3/examples/resource-injection/target/classes
WARN - Cannot find the META-INF/openejb-jar.xml in /home/raj/projects/openejb3/examples/resource-injection/target/classes.
WARN - Auto-creating a container for bean InvoiceBean: Container(type=STATEFUL, id=Default Stateful Container)
WARN - Auto-deploying ejb InvoiceBean: EjbDeployment(deployment-id=InvoiceBean, container-id=Default Stateful Container)
WARN - Auto-deploying ejb PurchaseOrderBean: EjbDeployment(deployment-id=PurchaseOrderBean, container-id=Default Stateful Container)
INFO - Loaded Module: /home/raj/projects/openejb3/examples/resource-injection/target/classes
INFO - OpenEJB ready.
OpenEJB ready.
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 3.571 sec
Running org.apache.openejb.examples.injection.PurchaseOrderBeanTest
Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.037 sec

Results :
Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0

[INFO] [jar:jar]
[INFO] Building jar: /home/raj/projects/openejb3/examples/resource-injection/target/resource-injection-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] [install:install]
[INFO] Installing /home/raj/projects/openejb3/examples/resource-injection/target/resource-injection-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to ...
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 16 seconds