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h1. Test Plan for UIMA Version 2.2

This page documents the planned testing for the 2.2 release.

h2. Test Schedule

Testing is planned starting June 25, 2007, for approx. 2 weeks.
|| Date(s) || Task ||
| June 25 | Code Freeze, bug fixes only |
| July 9 \\ | End of test, start release vote \\ |
| July 10 \\ | Start vote on general@incubator.a.o \\ |
| July 15 \\ | Target release date |

h2. Test Focus Areas

* Classloader switching
* Pear runtime

h2. Documentation Review

Check Jira issues for necessary documentation updates: 
| *Key* | *Summary* | *Assignee* | *Documentation Update?* \\ | *Status* | *Res* |
| UIMA-32 | CPE GUI doesn't parse $\{CPM_HOME\} variable | Adam Lally | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-53 | Add Flow.aborted() method | Adam Lally | {bgcolor:green} Done 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-194 | Tools highlight incorrect annotation offsets due to XML serialization bug in Sun Java 1.4.2 | Thilo Goetz | {bgcolor:green} Added "Known Issues" section to overview_and_setup 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-219 | Clean up XCASSerializer code to remove what's left of Sofa mapping support | Eddie Epstein | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Open | UNRESOLVED |
| UIMA-238 | make docbook build script skip build if output exists and target date is later than dependent source dates (normal "make" behavior) | Marshall Schor | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-258 | improve names of the UIMA documentation PDF files | Marshall Schor | | Open | UNRESOLVED |
| UIMA-269 | Test PEAR Files don't run | Michael Baessler | no updates necessary | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-270 | When CVD run with \-desc option, status bar still says "(No AE Loaded)" | Thilo Goetz | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-271 | PEAR Installer doesn't enable "Install" button if PEAR file name is input by keyboard | Adam Lally | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-303 | Problems with BoundedQueue.dequeue(timeout) | Marshall Schor | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Resolved | Fixed |
| UIMA-307 | Fix CVD screenshots | Thilo Goetz | | Open | UNRESOLVED |
| UIMA-309 | Change version number to 2.2-SNAPSHOT (post-2.1.0 release) | Adam Lally | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-325 | Enhance XMI Serializer to support merging multiple XMI documents into a single CAS | Adam Lally | no updates needed | Resolved | Fixed |
| UIMA-326 | UIMA-72 \\
 Add Out-of-typesystem Data Support to XMI Serialization | Adam Lally | no updates needed | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-327 | Flow Controller API extensions in support of more complex flow options | Adam Lally | Done | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-328 | CDE - handle case of searching for impl Java class, but the project is not a Java project | Marshall Schor | | Open | UNRESOLVED |
| UIMA-329 | extractAndBuild scripts need to check for presence of JAI libraries | Thilo Goetz | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Resolved | Fixed |
| UIMA-330 | Calling reconfigure() on aggregate AE doesn't call reconfigure() on FlowController. | Adam Lally | no updates needed | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-331 | Provide/extend a built-in flow controller that can be configured to do ParallellStep or to continue after error | Adam Lally | Done | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-336 | Schema validation fails for service client descriptors | Adam Lally | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-338 | Add method XMLParser.parseFlowControllerDescription | Adam Lally | no updates needed | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-339 | Support MBean Name Prefix in the additional parameters map passed to produceAE | Adam Lally | Done | Resolved | Fixed |
| UIMA-341 | Support <import> in CPE Descriptor | Adam Lally | Done | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-342 | make jcasgen able to used other templates | Marshall Schor | | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-343 | UIMA-341 \\
 Framework support for import in CPE descriptor | Adam Lally | Done | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-344 | UIMA-341 \\
 CPE GUI should create <import> elements instead of <include> | Adam Lally | Done | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-345 | UIMA-341 \\
 Documentation for <import> in CPE Descriptor | Adam Lally | Done | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-347 | Custom indexes defined in C+\+ annotators are ignored | Adam Lally | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-348 | CollectionProcessComplete should execute in fixedFlow order if there is a fixedFlow | Adam Lally | Done | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-351 | UIMA pear runtime | Michael Baessler | done | Open | UNRESOLVED |
| UIMA-352 | Allow custom service adapters to be plugged in | Adam Lally | Done | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-353 | Expose ResourceManager.setCasManager | Adam Lally | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-354 | UIMA datapath support for pear files | Michael Baessler | done | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-355 | Eclipse PDE nature for org.apache.uima.runtime project | Jörn Kottmann | | Resolved | Fixed |
| UIMA-356 | fix IBM dependency in CVD log properties file | Michael Baessler | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-358 | Add JMX MBeans for CAS Pools | Adam Lally | | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-359 | Blob serialization problems | Eddie Epstein | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Resolved | Fixed |
| UIMA-362 | CVD UIMA about box is editable | Thilo Goetz | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-363 | add log level configuration possibility for CVD | Thilo Goetz | | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-364 | CDE add type button and other actions broken | Marshall Schor | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-365 | call tae.destroy() in AnalysisEngine_implTest to close open file handles | Michael Baessler | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-366 | Rename plugin directories from xxxxx.version to xxxx_version | Adam Lally | {bgcolor:orange}should mention in What's New
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-367 | Deadlock can occur in MultiprocessingAnalysisEngine_impl.setResultSpecification | Marshall Schor | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-368 | Allow setting logger config file and other JVM system properties in scripts/bat files | Adam Lally | Done | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-369 | Use same test data as Java project | Eddie Epstein | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Resolved | Fixed |
| UIMA-371 | XMI serialization to UIMA C+\+ | Eddie Epstein | | Resolved | Fixed |
| UIMA-372 | remove deprecated methods in testcases | Michael Baessler | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-374 | CPE GUI left in bad state if you open a CPE descriptor that refers to a nonexistent component descriptor | Adam Lally | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-375 | Paragraph on "Eclipse has a steep learning curve..." repeated inside one section | Thilo Goetz | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-376 | README refers to outdated GUI label | Adam Lally | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-377 | add API to build PEAR packages | Michael Baessler | done | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-378 | CDE plugin: change some private members to protected that derived classes can work with them | Marshall Schor | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Resolved | Fixed |
| UIMA-380 | runCPE utility should report initialization time and processing time separately | Adam Lally | no updates needed | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-381 | Rename CVD packages to more intuitive name | Thilo Goetz | | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-383 | Duplicate operationalProperties element in example descriptor ex2/RoomNumberAnnotator.xml | Adam Lally | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-385 | setUimaClasspath script has extra space at end of set PATH command, making last path entry invalid | Adam Lally | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-386 | Switching to use correct class loader | Marshall Schor | | Resolved | Fixed |
| UIMA-387 | XMI Serializer can write invalid control characters | Thilo Goetz | | Reopened | UNRESOLVED |
| UIMA-388 | When CollectionReader wrapped as CAS Multiplier, if a second process call comes in, call reconfigure | Adam Lally | no updates needed (decided on uima-dev) | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-389 | AnnotationBase.getSofa() throws ClassCastException | Adam Lally | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-392 | Eclipse Plugin packaging not working correctly | Adam Lally | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-393 | migration script doesn't work | Adam Lally | no updates needed | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-394 | sofa2jcasMap not be consistently set | Marshall Schor | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-395 | TypeSystemMgr.addFeature should default multipleReferencesAllowed argument to false. | Unassigned | | Open | UNRESOLVED |
| UIMA-396 | Javadoc for Feature.isMultipleReferencesAllowed is incorrect | Adam Lally | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-397 | JSR47Logger_implTest failing with Sun Java 6 | Marshall Schor | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Resolved | Fixed |
| UIMA-400 | Fix Eclipse plugin | Adam Lally | no updates needed | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-401 | Make DocBook build work out of the box in Eclipse | Marshall Schor | | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-402 | Adding Remote SOAP AE to Aggregate in CDE causes validation error | Marshall Schor | | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-404 | try to cast NoClassDefFoundError to Exception | Thilo Goetz | | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-406 | Continue restructuring of CVD code | Thilo Goetz | | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-408 | Make more CASImpl methods private, have clients use ll APIs. | Thilo Goetz | | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-409 | Reorganization of TypeSystemImpl, CASImpl, FSClassRegistry, adding new CASMetadata class | Marshall Schor | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Resolved | Fixed |
| UIMA-410 | Type priority test case failing with IBM JDK 1.5.0_5ea | Marshall Schor | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-411 | PearInstallerTest fails when running from mvn install target - caused by class loading issues in the PEAR verification code | Michael Baessler | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-414 | Component Descriptor Editor not marking editor as "changed" if an override is added to an existing parameter having overrides. | Marshall Schor | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-415 | Component Descriptor Editor fails when removing parameter override | Marshall Schor | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-416 | CVD should be able to read and write XMI documents | Thilo Goetz | | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-418 | add new UIMA analysis example descriptor | Michael Baessler | | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-419 | Reduce space used for casAddr to JCas object map by a factor of 4 or more | Marshall Schor | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-421 | CVD broken after restructuring | Thilo Goetz | | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-422 | update UIMA DocBook version and Date | Michael Baessler | {bgcolor:green} done 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-424 | update UIMA Framework version to 2.2 | Adam Lally | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-425 | CVD should have close method that doesn't shut down JVM | Thilo Goetz | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-426 | Component Descriptor Editor feature to edit parts which require other parts for context is broken - CDE wont start up | Marshall Schor | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-427 | CVD throws NPE when descriptor file should be loaded | Thilo Goetz | | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-429 | Running an AE in CVD resets the document text (making it scroll to the end). | Thilo Goetz | | Open | UNRESOLVED |
| UIMA-435 | Update runtime plugin manifest package list for CVD package name change | Adam Lally | no updates needed | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-436 | Eclipse Runtime Plugin:  add line to permit Fragments to add to API for other tooling | Marshall Schor | | Resolved | Fixed |
| UIMA-437 | Annotators are not prevented from calling CAS.release() | Adam Lally | no updates needed | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-439 | Docbooks: support scale= in pdfs, convert to 0.93 FOP, fix scaling of many images | Marshall Schor | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Resolved | Fixed |
| UIMA-440 | CAS heap doesn't grow correctly when first page exceeded | Thilo Goetz | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Closed | Fixed |
| UIMA-442 | FileUtilsTest fail on Linux | Adam Lally | {bgcolor:green} no updates needed 
{bgcolor} | Resolved | Fixed |
| UIMA-443 | fix flow ResultSpec handling | Unassigned | | Open | UNRESOLVED |
|| Topic || Description || Who || % complete || Comments ||
| conceptual overview | | \\ | | |
| faqs | | \\ | | |
| glossary | | \\ | | |
| eclipse setup | | \\ | | |
|| || || \\ || || ||
| annotator & AE Guide | | \\ | \\ | \\ |
| Artifacts, Sofas | | \\ | | |
| application Guide | | \\ | \\ | |
| Cas Multiplier | | \\ | | |
| CPE | | \\ | \\ | |
| Flow Contorller | | \\ | | |
| Multiple Views | | \\ | | |
| XMI Emf | | \\ | | |
|| || || || || ||
| cde | | \\ | | |
| cpe Gui | | \\ | | |
| CVD | | \\ | | |
| doc analyzer | | \\ | | |
| jcasgen | | \\ | | |
| annotation viewer | | \\ | | |
| pear installer | | \\ | | |
| pear merger | | \\ | | |
| Pear packager | | \\ | | |
|| || || \\ || || ||
| cas | \\ | \\ | | |
| jcas | | \\ | | |
| pear | | \\ | | |
| xmi | | \\ | | |
| javadocs | | \\ | | |
| component Descriptor | | \\ | | |
| CPE Descriptor | | \\ | | |

h2. Code Testing

&nbsp;UIMA framework tests:
|| Component \\ || Test case || Description \\ || Tester&nbsp; \\ || Platform \\ || Test level name || % complete || Comments ||
| Installation | UIMA_uimaj_Install_001 \\ | Installation verification testInstall release package on \\
 a clean machine, check if the \\
 path adjustment works correctly \\ | | \\ | | | |
| Installation | UIMA_uimaj_Install_002 \\ | Try migration, following documentation and using tool, with existing components \\ | | | | | |
| CPM \\ | UIMA_uimaj_CPM_001 \\ | Running a CPE with TAE in Local Deployment Mode \\ | Adam | | | | |
| CPM | UIMA_uimaj_CPM_002 \\ | Running a CPE with TAE in Remote Deployment Mode&nbsp; \\ | Adam | | | | |
| CPM | UIMA_uimaj_CPM_003 \\ | Runing a CPE with mixed deployment modes | Adam | | | | |
| CPM | UIMA_uimaj_CPM_004 \\ | Introduce a TAE that crashes.&nbsp; \\
 Test CPM error handling options \\ | Adam | | | | |
| Core | UIMA_uimaj_Core_001 \\ | UIMA remoting with SOAP \\
Test UIMA remote analysis engines using the SOAP protocol \\ | | | | | |
| Core | UIMA_uimaj_Core_002 \\ | UIMA remoting with Vinci \\
Test UIMA remote analysis engines using the Vinci protocol | | | | | |
| Core | UIMA_uimaj_Core_003 \\ | Run SofA primitive and aggregate analysis engines, run using CPE \\
 with CollectionReader, CasInitializer, CasConsumer. \\
 Test sofa mapping.&nbsp; Test sofa creation, defaulting, multi-sofa Cas operation.&nbsp; \\
 Run as simple aggregate, as well as CPE. \\ | Adam | | | | |
| Core | UIMA_uimaj_Core_004 \\ | Test CAS multiplier component \\ | | | | | |
| Core | UIMA_uimaj_Core_005 \\ | Test UIMA custom flow using the FlowController \\ | | | | | |
| Core | UIMA_uimaj_core_006 \\ | Test UIMA pear runtime \\ | Michael | | | | |
| Tooling | UIMA_uimaj_Tooling_001 \\ | Test Cas Visual Debugger | | | | | |
| Tooling | UIMA_uimaj_Tooling_002 \\ | Test Document Analyzer \\ | Adam | | | | |
| Tooling | UIMA_uimaj_Tooling_003 \\ | Test Pear Installer \\ | Adam | | | | |
| Tooling | UIMA_uimaj_Tooling_004 \\ | Test Pear Merger \\ | Michael | | | | |
| Tooling | UIMA_uimaj_Tooling_005 \\ | Test Annotation Viewer \\ | | | | | |
| Tooling | UIMA_uimaj_Tooling_006 \\ | Test CPE Configurator \\ | Adam | | | | |
| Tooling | UIMA_uimaj_Tooling_007 \\ | Test command line pear packager \\ | Michael \\ | | | | |
| EclipsePlugins | UIMA_uimaj_EclipsePlugins_001 \\ | Test CDE (Component Descriptor Editor) \\ | | Eclipse versions? \\ | | | |
| EclipsePlugins | UIMA_uimaj_EclipsePlugins_002 | Test JCasGen generation | | Eclispe versions? \\ | | | |
| EclipsePlugins | UIMA_uimaj_EclipsePlugins_003 | Test Pear packager \\ | Michael | Eclipse versions? \\ | | | |
| Examples \\ | UIMA_uimaj_Examples_001 \\ | Test provided UIMA examples \\ | | | | | Adam: will test UimaMeetingDetector, NamesAndPersonTitles, NamesAndGovernmentOfficials as part of Document Analyzer testing, and SofaExampleAnnotator as part of Sofa testing. |
| \\ | \\ | \\ | \\ | \\ | | \\ | \\ |