Versions Compared


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This will the change the namespaces that CXF generates by default so that they are the same as XFire would generate.

XML and Annotation Mapping Overview

Aegis has a flexible mapping system so you can control how your beans are controlled. By default your POJOs are serialized based on their name and namespaces. If you have a class in the "org.codehaus.xfire" package named "Employee" it would be serialized in namespace "" with the local name "Employee"

Fore example, the java class:

Code Block

public class Employee
  private String name;
  private String title;

  public String getName() { return name; }
  public void setName(String name) { = name; }

  public String getTitle() { return title; }
  public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; }

In XML this translates to:

Code Block

<Employee xmlns="">
  <name>Santa Claus</name>
  <title>Chief Present Officer (CPO)</title>

In XML Schema this would become a complex type:

Code Block

<xsd:complexType name="Employee">
    <xsd:element name="name" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1/>
    <xsd:element name="title" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1/>
titleValidate your mapping!

You can find an XML Schema for Aegis mapping files here.

Supported Types

  • Wiki Markup
    Basic types: int, double, float, long, byte\[\], short, String, BigDecimal
  • Arrays
  • Collections - including Maps
  • Dates: java.util.Date, java.util.Calendar, java.sql.Timestamp, java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time
  • XML: org.w3c.dom.Docmument, org.jdom.Element, XMLStreamReader, Source
  • Complex types which are aggregations of the above

If you have constructors defined in your Java beans, make sure a default constructor (i.e. no arguments) is also declared. (Aegis needs a no-argument contstructor to instantiate client Java classes.)

Setting Default minOccurs and nillable Parameters from Java

If you have many properties, and you want most, or all of them, to have a minOccurs other than 0 or a nillable other than false, you can change the defaults for Aegis from Java code (amongst other places).
Here is an example: it extracts the binding provider from the service factory, and changes the configuration parameters.

Code Block

ServerFactoryBean sf = new ServerFactoryBean();
AegisDatabinding db = new AegisDatabinding();

DefaultTypeMappingRegistry tmr = (DefaultTypeMappingRegistry)db.getTypeMappingRegistry();
// here we disuade XFire from its rather annoying tendency to assume that, just because
// anything in Java can be null, that we want to advertise all that nullity all over.
Configuration configuration = tmr.getConfiguration();


More Information....

This section is under construction. For more information about how the Aegis databinding works, please check out the Aegis documentation at the XFire site ('s%2bGuide).